Mother of Forsythe 2

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"Haha stop it Fp" Alice curled up into a ball
"Mmm no never princess" Fp kept ticking her, then once of his hands started going down towards her leg. He pulled her body closer to him.

Once he got to where he wanted her, with one swift movement he entered her from behind. Alice let gasp of pleasure, when Fp started moving.

"Oh god baby" Alice reached back pulling his head closer to her neck, she turned head a little so she could kiss him.

"Mmmmm Ali damn" Fp pulled away moaning out loud feeling her squeeze him about to reach her climax. Grabbing her boobs from behind he started picking up the pace.

Alice threw her head back feeling him hit all the right spots. She was so close but tried to hold it so they could let go together.

"Fp I'm uuuhhh c...close" She panted
"Ooh God mmm I close too baby together ok"
He pulled her as close as possible, moving in sync they both found a release.

"That was a great way to end it" Alice panted leaning back on Fp. He snuggled up more to her, kissing her neck

"Hey! We are not ending we can still do it when she is here" He mumbled in her neck trying to convince her.

"Fp come on" Alice said being more realistic, when Fp's mother arrived there were definitely gonna be some major changes hopefully they were prepared.....

"Alice baby listen to me, my mom is only here for a few weeks it's not like it will be a year plus I love you." Fp smiled from confidence. Alice turned around looking at her happy husband, but she knew that Fp didn't know his mother was not that big of a fan of her.

"Honey I love you too but"
"Nooo honey no buts this will be fine I promise" Fp's phone rang and he pulled out to answer it. Alice missed his feeling immediately, but she knew she would have to get used to it with his mother moving in.

"Hey that was Meg mom is coming" Fp got out of bed and started getting dressed while she just laid there and watched. Fp saw the look on her face and gave her kiss, that heated real quickly till he pulled away.

"Why'd you stop babyyyy" Alice whined with sadness in her eyes.
"Baby their almost here and you're trying to get back in pants, come on Alice it'll fine and fun." Fp said confidently waiting for that encouraging smile from Alice.

"I need to get dressed" Alice said getting up from bed grabbing his shirt and some ripped jeans.

"Alice I-
The harsh knocking at the door cut him off. Fp ran down the stairs so quickly leaving Alice alone.

"You were saying" She mumbled because it was only the beginning.

Fp yanked the door open glaring at Meg, but then gave his mom a bear hug full of love and sadness. It's been hard for since she found all the bills his dad didn't pay and she was losing her home.

"Hi Forsyth, you look handsome as always"
"Hey mom come in" Fp moved aside letting both his mom and Meg inside.

"So where is Alex" Fp's mom wasn't hiding her irritation for Alice. "Alice mom" Fp said, Meg silenty chuckled. Alice slowly walked down stairs weirdly starring at Meg.

"There she is the queen of the house" Fp walked over to Alice taking her hand leading her to the living room. Alice was hesitant at first because she really didn't want to talk.

"Hello Mrs. Jones Meg" Alice held on to Fp for dear life.

"Hello Ale- I mean Alice" She looked Alice up an down. Which made Alice self conscious and very uncomfortable. Meg noticed Alice sudden change of body language.

"So is anybody hungry, because I want some Pop's." Meg winked at Alice that didn't go unnoticed by Fp.

They all got into the station wagon and drove to Pop's the car ride was quite silent, until FP started playing some music. Alice was more quiet when their song came on she refused to sing.

Once they arrived Fp opened all the doors for for the ladies. When he was coming over to Alice's side she locked the door. Fp sighed and walked back to the driver seat, and stared at her.

"Fp don't look I'm not that hungry you guys can go with out me" She faked smiled
"If you don't want this we don't have to do it" Fp took her hand in his and squeezed.

"She is your mom-
"And your uncomfortable"
"I just don't think that she likes me"
"Honey you two have barely talked"
"You wonder why that is." She snapped louder than expected.

"I'm sorry honey"
Fp let go of her hand and got out the car....

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