"You alright baby"

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Alice was driving back to her and FP's dorm apartment. On her way she decided to pay Fp a visit at Pop's as she got out the car, she saw Fp dealing with costumers. That's when she thought to surprise him by asking for his section. When she sat down she saw some of the girls from college looking at Fp and started drooling.

"Hey welcome to Pop's how can I help you?" Another co-worker asked her. "Oh I thought this was Fp's section." She asked a little confused. "Oh it is but you you see those girls over there, they especially asked for Fp." I was just tad bit on edge, but I just shook it off.

"Well then I'll have a cheeseburger with extra cheese, with a side of fries and no ketchup." I said still eyeballing those girls. "Coming right up."

After I had finished my food I saw one of the girls, walk towards Fp with a note in her hand. I watched her carefully hand it to him, and walk away slowly swinging her hips. That was the breaking point for me. I stood up and walked out the diner. Not even bothering to speak to Fp on my way out.

"Hey Alice, Alice wait."
"WHAT!" I as say and turn around.
"Oh shit I'm sorry Johnny I thought you were Fp." I rub the temples on my for head
"Trouble in paradise" he smirked
"No, and that's none of your business"
"Look I just wanted you to know if you were interested in getting a dog. There whole bunch them in a sewer pipe so my folks are thinking about giving some away."

" I don't know Johnny."
"Come on they don't have a home. Plus they could keep you company while Fp is at work."
Still uneasy he grabs a dog from his car holding it an a blanket. I smiled because of how cute it is.
"Alright fine"
"Great I'll bring one by your apartment."
"Wait Johnny I don't know if I can buy dog supplies." I said before he leaves. "Don't worry I'll will supply everything." He said driving off.

I just shake my head and smile, But that smile soon fades as I see all those girls talking to Fp, like he is some type of celebrity. Not even having the strength or energy to go back in and get my car and drive off.

(Later that day)

"Hey babe I'm home." I didn't even come to greet him I just stayed put. "Alice baby you here." Not making any noise I hear his heavy feet walking towards the bedroom. I turn on my side so he thinks I'm sleep, he opens the door leaning against the frame. "Baby I know your not sleep." His heavy feet get closer and closer, "Alice baby I was waiting for my 'I missed you all day hug'" he whispered in my ear.

"Well if want a hug why not ask your new friends." I say turning away from him. Confused at first Fp remember what happened at the diner. He walked away going into the bathroom to change clothes because he knew it was going to be alone night, and he didn't want to smell like french fry grease.

"Are you a little jealous baby." He said get out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. This time she got up and went to the kitchen, "Alice we can do this all night long, and I know you don't like to go to bed angry." He called out to her as she walked out of the bedroom.

Once he got dressed he saw her sitting on the couch watching T.V. "So what we watching." He said plopping down next to her. "It's called when your boyfriend is a whore magnet and doesn't address he has a girlfriend." She said scooting away from him.

"That's interesting I wonder who the main character is, him or the cute jealous girlfriend."
He said laying his head down on her lap. " I am not jealous, I just want you to know you have a girlfriend. Who is here for life and not just a simple fuck." She said about to throw the remote but Fp caught it.

He sat up in front of her that way he still had his hand on the other side of her so she couldn't leave. " I know that honey, I know that and I would never trade you for any of them. You're right I don't want a simple fuck, I want you as for the note. I threw that away The minute they left." Still upset she didn't look at him just at her hands.

"Baby look at me" She looked up into his eyes. " I love you, I love you, I love you!!! I LOVE YO-
She kissed to cut him off. "Ok ok ok I love you too." He smiled "And don't you forget it. Now let's go to bed." He picks her up carried her to bed.

(Next day)

"Baby I gotta go to work." He said checking his watch, as the cuddle up on the couch. "Nooooo stay with me please, call in it's a Saturday." She looked up at him with a baby face he couldn't resist. "Fine but a least let me go pick us up some food." He said trying to get up, but she clung to him tighter. "We can just oder. Unless you'd like to see you little whores."

She immediately got off of him, "Al baby what did we just talk about it last night, I love you only you." He grabbing her face for a kiss but she leaned back. "So you don't mind if we go together then." She asked challenging him. "Not at all baby." and with that they kissed and left to go get some food.

As they pulled up to Pop's getting out of the car. Johnny pulled up, "Hey Alice." He walked up to the both of them "Hey Johnny."

"Hi John."Fp sounded like a disapproving parent. "Hey Fp, I was kind of hoping to talk to Alice." He says pointing to me. " OK what do you want to talk to her about." John looked at me with a pleading look. "It's personal." He made up on the spot. "Fp baby why don't you go get the food this shouldn't take long." I say giving him a reassuring look.

"Fine but just so you know I can see you John the windows are made of glass I can see you." He said warning him. " OK what's so personal." Alice asked, "come here." They walk towards his car. "I got you a puppy." She totally forgot she asked for a puppy. "Johnny I forgot to tell Fp, about the puppy." He looked at with an 'are you serious' look.

"Hey not to worry just let's get the puppy and the puppy supplies to the car quickly before Fp comes out." She was going to tell him, Alice hates keeping secrets from Fp. As soon as Fp came out with food, he gave Alice and Johnny a suspicious look. "What are you guys up to." He asked walking towards the car, not taking his eyes off of Johnny.

"Nothing it was nice talking to you guys, especially you Alice have a great day bye-bye." He left leaving Fp suspicious. "What was that about?" He turned his attention to Alice. She shrugged her shoulders. "Personal stuff. You ready to go." She said taking the food and getting in the car. Once Fp got in the car he started the engine, and heard a whimper. Fp turned to look at Alice, "I'm just really hungry can we go now." Fp just looked at her weird.

(They there inside the house now)

"Hey Alice, you almost done in the bathroom." He asked looking through the bags to make sure they have everything. "Almost honey." Trying to give the dog a quiet bath. "Oh Alice I left something in the car I'll be right back." He said leaving going to the door. When he opened the trunk he saw a leash and some dog food.

"Ok Fp what were you saying? Fp FP." That's when she remember she left the dog food and leash in the trunk. She was just about to leave when the wet dog started running around the house. "Hey get back in there!" She shouted picking up the dog, and putting him back in the room right when she close the door Fp came in with the leash in his hand.

"Hey where'd you go?" She was nervous and Fp could see it.
"You alright baby." He asked walking towards her.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be."
"Alice I love having but a sex and all but a leash is kind of kinky. Especially a dog leash."
At a lost of words he wrapped his arms around her and giving her a bear hug. Which surprised Alice at first but she then gave in.

"Baby" he rubbed her back making her relax
"Hmm" she hummed in response
"We can keep the dog"

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