Mother of Forsythe

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It's been a 3 years since Fp put his father in the grave. His mother has not gotten over it especially today Forsyth Pendleton Jones birthday. Also not to mention his trailer was getting demolished, it was very old and was basically crumbling from the inside out.

"So what we gonna do?" Fp asked his siblings
"The trailer is very old Fp, it was gonna fall apart anyway this way it'll be faster" His sister said.

"Not the trailer Meg, mom where she gonna live" Fp said in all seriousness
"Not to worry big man I got it all under control" Spike said with confidence
"What does that mean" They both asked not very convinced by their little brother

"I bought a cute little fixer upper" Spike smiled proud of himself
"A fixer upper?" Meg said a little impressed
"Yeah me and my pals are gonna fix it up, there's not that much to fix up but it would take 3 weeks to a month. Just to make sure it's stable." Spike could tell his siblings were taking it in to consideration.

"Plus she won't be alone I put a little tiny house in the backyard for me"
"Really still can't do your own laundry" Meg teased
"Hey!! I just want our mom to happy and not alone unlike you." Spike stuck for himself
"I care about her" Meg said shouted
"Then let her stay with you the house won't be done for the next couple of weeks" Spike smirked knowing his sister.

"Enough!!" Fp said before Meg would say something she would regret, and he was tired of them arguing.
"She staying with me, my house is clearly in better shape plus she won't be alone" Fp said standing up looking around at his apartment there was enough room for his mom.

"Haha, you better check with Alice first" Meg laughed
"I hate to agree with Meg, but our mom is a hand full and will be for the next couple a weeks I think you should check" Spike said.

(Later that day)

"Baby I'm home!" Alice called out.

Alice had just came home with groceries and Pop's. Fp knew Alice would let his mom stay for a day but a couple weeks who knows.

Fp came up behind her peppering kisses on her neck. She leaned back against him enjoying the moment.

"How was your day baby" He turned her around rubbing up and down her sides.
"It was something" She smiled kissing his lips
"A good something or a bad something" He pulled back looking in her eyes.

She sighed wrapping her arms around him. Fp took the hint, he picked her up bridal style carrying her to their room and kicked the door shut with his foot.

•"uhhhh Fp deeper, aahhh that's the spot."Damn baby you feel so good around me oooohhhhh," I'm gonna cuuuuuu. "Just let gooooooo oh god Alice mmmmm"•

"You always know how to make me feel better" She closed her just enjoying his arms wrapped around her.
"Well that's my job baby to make my wifey feel better" He snuggled up closer to her burying his face in her neck.

"I love that about you, caring for other people"
She said turning around then leaning in for a kiss. 'It's now or never man' Fp thought to himself.

"Oh baby how are you today. You know since today is his birthday" She asked caressing his face
"That's what I wanted to talk about, you know about the trailer" He looked into her eyes
"Well spike had an idea"

Fp told Alice the whole idea, however he couldn't really make out her facial expression. It was very blank, he couldn't tell if she was going to agree or not. He hasn't even told her that his mom would be staying with them.

"That sounds like a good idea and it came from Spike" She said surprised knowing his brother.
"Yeah I know, but baby mom would have to stay with us till it is done. Fp watched her every movement as she sat up against the headboard.

"So she would stay for 3 weeks to a month" Alice said slowly and uneasy. 'It's Fp's mother Alice come do it for him.' She was disturbed from her thoughts as Fp shook her to get her attention.

"Alice baby you fine with this" He titled his head to the side.
"Oh yeah I'm fine" She said sliding back down
"Really!" Fp said with excitement, now there was no going back.

"Yeah but you know once she moves in we can't do this as much" She pointed between there naked bodies.
" "As much", but we can still do it" Fp tried look on the bright side.

"True, but let's do it tonight before tomorrow" She rolled on top of him then started kissing her way down under the covers. Fp sat up rest on his elbows as he let his head fall backwards

"God I love you baby."

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