She'll Never Know

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(Polly, Betty, Charles, Jug don't exist just jellybean. Also Alice is her teacher and has been seeing Fp.....😏!)

"Mr. Jones glad you could make it." The principle said with a light smirk. "What happened this time?" Fp said in a tired tone.

"Well it seems that your daughter got into a fight with a teacher" Fp was shocked getting in fights with kids yes, senior/junior tutors sometimes. However a teacher that's a new level.

"It was Ms. Smith" The principal said smiling like crazy because this had to get her in trouble at home. The principal never really liked jellybean mostly because of her south side jacket she refuses to ever take it of.

"WHAT!!" Fp yelled making Jellybean a little scared by his out burst. "Ms. Smith!! Why would fight Ms. Smith" Fp couldn't help but feel angry not only did she get into a fight with a teacher, but because of Alice Smith. His high school sweetheart or was his sweetheart....

"Yes Ms. Smith was teaching and-
"I didn't agree with what she so I-

"Stood up for what she believed in, and voiced her opinion like any political party would do." Alice said leaning against the door frame.

"Ms. Smith this is principal parent meeting-
"Well I see it as you trying to get this young women suspended for standing up for what she believed in." Alice cut him off and winking at JB, who confidently smiled in return.

"Mr. Jones I think that you and Jellybean are free to go." She smiled at Fp who mouthed thank you. "Ms. Smith you are not the principal here so I strongly suggest that you." The principal was cut off by the door slamming in his face.

Fp, Alice and JB all walked out of the front office. "That was amazing, they way you stood up to him, Ms. Smith thanks so much." Alice laughed at the girls enthusiasm.

"That was great but, jellybean don't you have something to say." He looks from Jellybean to Alice. "Oh no she doesn't have to." Alice said not wanting her to get in trouble.

"Yeah, she does and she knows it." Fp look back at jellybean waiting on her to answer. "Fine... I'm sorry miss for fighting with you in class." Jellybean sighed, "I expect your apology." Alice smiled going to give her a hug.

"We'll now that we settled that let's go Jellybean." Fp said rubbing the back of his neck. "Um, before you go I need a word with you Mr. Jones." Alice said smiling when she saw JB panic face.

"Don't worry JB your not in trouble." Fp saw jellybean relax her face. Making him give her the a questioning look, as he followed Alice to her room.

"So I assume you really want to tell me, about the fight." Fp said walking over to her desk, before he lifted her up. Alice's legs wrapped around his waist quickly. Which caused Fp to smirk and lean in more.

"You know I'm not going to say anything because, it wasn't that big of a deal." She smiled leaning in for a kiss which obliged.

"Not a big deal, What about how you just put your job on the line is that not a big deal." He kissed her with heat. "Fp come on like I'm going to get fired he looks at my ass every time I walk away." She said which caused Fp to stop his kisses, and she wasn't happy about it.

"Alice look at me, don't let him touch just for a job. Okay it's not worth it especially if it's for JB." Alice looked at with a soft look.

"I'm not her mother. However JB is sweetheart so what if I spoke out to my boss. Her education is important to you and me. So I don't care if looks at my ass, but if he touch's me he'll have to deal with south side Alice."

That brought a smile to FP's face even though she may not live on the southside there's always southside in her and that'll never change.

After a good seven minute make out FP and Alice decide it was time for him to leave and go attend to his daughter.

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