Mother of Forsyth 3

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Fp opened the door and got out of the car. He walked back over to Alice's side of the car, opened the door and grabbed her. Then lightly pines up against the car.

"Listen to me you are my wife and I love, so I am going to ask one more time. Do want to do this?" Alice saw Fp really searching in her eyes for a 'yes'.

"No" Alice said softly looking down
"Oh okay then that was all you had to say."
"Hey baby look at me" Fp pulled her face up so they could make I contact.

"I understand and I'm fine with it" He pulled her into a hug letting a low sigh of disappointment hoping that she would say 'yes' to let his mother stay with them.

Their moment was quickly interrupted by Meg walking towards them and shouting. Fp and Alice broke the hug and turned to Meg with long face. Meg knew immediately something wasn't right

"Are you serious right now Fp! Are you fucking serious!" Meg shouted louder every time.
"Hey! If your so upset and "concerned" then you take her." Fp said shooting Meg a death glare.

"OK Stop!" Alice had enough of bickering both Meg and Fp were a tad bit scared. "I didn't want her to live with us but if it is such a big fuss she can move back in." Alice said and walked right past them into the diner. Meg and Fp looked at each other then walked right behind Alice to the dinner. Little did they know their mom heard everything. Not only was she hurt thinking that she was a burden to her children, but she going to give Alice hell.

"So what took you guys so long" She said eyeballing Alice's every move. Alice saw the look she was giving her and kept her head down.

"Well we.....were, just discussing what the house will look. You know Spike not bright on ideas." Fp jumped in from seeing the look she was giving Alice.

"Really well I thought that Alice just didn't want me there" She spit out casually, causing Alice to choke on her water.

"What no Alice wants you there right babe"
Fp looked at her and Alice looked around the table nervous of what to say.

"Um.... I.....w-well of course-
"Here you go folks your please enjoy" The waiter handed there food to them Alice looked at her plate and noticed they forgot her extra fries.

"Um excuse me you forgot my extra fries"
"Of course I'll right back" As the waiter left Fp's mother looked over at Alice's food, and was dissatisfied with all that food she had. She was holding her tongue as best as she could.

"Ohhhh they for got napkins I'll get them" Fp said leaving Alice's side. Then Meg phone started ringing because of Spike, so got up and left and of course Fp's mom couldn't hold her tongue any longer.

"Are really that hungry or is some of it for Fp" Alice shot her a look of confusion. "I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean" Alice knew what she was trying to say but wondered if she would really say it.

"I think that you should cut back"
"I'm not drug attic" Alice forced a laugh
"I'm just saying I thought you were pregnant"
Hearing those words come from her mouth made Alice feel sick.

Fp and Meg were walking back to the table. While Alice was just looking down unable to face her lover's eyes and his sister.

"Umm so there has been a little tiff at the house. Turns out while they were working they found a bigger problem termites." Meg said looking at Fp in apologetic way.

Both Meg and Fp turned to Alice and she just kept looking down. The waiter felt the tension when he walked over.

"Here are your extra fries miss" The waiter smiled and walked away.

Alice looked at the fries and started to cry. Fp and Meg both tried to grab her attention, but Alice was quicker she grabbed the car keys off the table and ran to the car as fast as she could.

Fp ran after and almost caught up until she started the car and drove off. Fp's mother smiled and that didn't go unnoticed by Meg.

"WHat did you?!" Meg raised her voice looking down at her mother. "Excuse me but do not yell- "Cut the crap mom Fp may not know but I damn sure do, you never liked Alice no matter how hard she tried." Meg walked out of the diner to her brother.

"What just happened" Fp stood there in shock of his wife leaving.
"Fp look I-
"STOP" Fp's mother came to them with furry and fear in her eyes mad at her daughter, and scared for her son to know the truth.

"Mom what's wrong?" He turned around
"Mom never liked Alice!" Meg blurted out she couldn't stand for her brother to be this blind.

"Don't Meg me your the reasons she ran off"
"You are so rude, disappointing and-
"SHUT UP both of you" Fp hated when his family bickering and fed up with all he wanted was Alice.

"My wife just left me and you two want to fight. Now I'm taking Meg's car to find her while you two either call Spike or get a cab!" Fp was not going to have either in same car with him while looking for Alice.

Meg handed over her car keys and Fp waisted no time when speeding away from the diner. He went home first only to find Alice loading a suitcase in her car.

"Alice! Stop! Please!" He got out of the car and ran to her. While she was about to get in the car he slammed her door shut.

"Please baby talk to me tell what's wrong, what can I fix. Just please please don't leave me." Was on his knees begging as Meg and his mom pulled up.

"Fp get off the ground" His mom walked over to them and that's when Alice was done.

"Fp I love but you can't fix this"
"What?! Yes I can I can always fix what's wrong with you. You know I can.... you know I can" Fp was in tears holding on to Alice's handed for dear life.

"Fp it's your mom, okay I love I love I love you, but I can't sit and let her talk to me and treat me like I'm nothing. I put up with all through high school, and some of college." Fp was lost for words because he never knew his mom hated her so much

"Now wait just a minute Alex!"
ALICE my name is Alice! Martha and I refuse to bring this child into the world where his grandmother doesn't respect me." Alice was going to tell Fp but his mother barely gave her the chance.

"Alice your pregnant" Fp stood up looking in her eyes, Alice didn't say anything instead she took off the ring and put it in Martha's hand.

"Are you happy now" Alice got in the car driving off leaving Fp, Meg, and Martha shocked.

Fp snatched the ring out of his mother's hand and ran back back to Meg's car. "Fp stop where are you going." Martha already had in idea

"The love of my life, my best friend, she has been my rock for several years. The mother of my child just handed me the ring I gave to her that was supposed to remain on her finger for life. SHE IS MY WIFE!!!" Fp was furious and his mother was just making it worse.

"There are reasons in life that the people we love leave" She was not even hiding her irritation for Alice.

"She is carrying my baby now move Martha!"
"Forsyth Pendleton Jones Jr"
"I said move!" Fp was mad hell but the tears in his eyes would say otherwise. Meg saw how hurt brother was so she took the keys out of his hand.

"Get in the passenger seat" Meg got in the car and turned on the engine. Fp wasn't told twice before he got in the car, they drove off leaving Martha alone.

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