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Miles'/Player's POV~


I woke the next morning, energized and actually excited to go to school. I plop my phone and supplies into my backpack before walking downstairs to eat a quick breakfast.

Just as I finish my bagel, the doorbell rings. I swallow the rest of my breakfast and walk to the bus stop with Aiden.

"Hey, Miles!" He greets, waving his hand in a friendly motion. We coexist next to one another quietly.

This has been my daily routine for the past few weeks-- texting Veteran on the bus, asking his for advice. Advice on what, per se?

After hanging out with the blonde boy for the past few weeks, I've developed some... well... feelings for him.

I know, I know, it's wrong. I just... can't help it. He makes me feel so safe yet excited at the same time.

Veteran is gay as well, so taking advice from him was probably the best idea. I gave him advice on how he should ask his crush out, and he gave me advice as to how to ask mine.

"So, tell me again? You guys only met a few weeks ago?"

"Y-Yeah," I stutter, my face tinting in a light-pink blush, "I know it's weird..."

"No, it's not actually. I like a guy I've known for a few weeks too!"

I chuckle and say, "Wow, what a coincidence!"

The bus halts to a stop, and I sigh before writing, "Gotta go, talk later?"

"Yup!" He says, before going offline as well.

"So, Miles," Aiden starts, "Since we only have a half-day of school today, do you want to hang out after?"

"Of course!" I exclaim. He smiles and grabs my hand. "Cool! Now, c'mon, let's get to class before we're late."

I blush a bit at the contact but keep the thought to myself as we run down the halls and into homeroom.


School went by real fast, to say the least. With Aiden by my side, every school day just... passes by peacefully.

"So, Miles," Aiden says, "Do you want to play some Among Us?"

"Uhh... I'm not very good at it..."

"No problem! I can teach you! I actually have a group of friends that play."

Aiden has a group of friends that play among us too?

Wow, we're so alike!

I whip out my phone and enter the among us app. It takes a minute to load.

A Discord notification pops up, and I take a quick look. 

"Anyone want to play among us?" Veteran asks. Almost the whole crew responds with a 'yes' or 'sure'.

"Sure," I say, "And maybe a friend of mine would like to join as well."

"Sounds like a plan!" Veteran exclaims, "I might ask a friend of mine to join as well."

Aiden gives me the code and just as I type it in, his maid calls us downstairs for dinner.

"Uh, maybe we'll join after dinner I guess," He exclaims, holding my hand as we dove downstairs for dinner.


Aiden and I never managed to play Among Us, because after the dinner the maid said she had a lot of cleaning to do and we had to go outside. I had left my phone inside, so I'd have to wait until later to pick it up.

Aiden and I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon walking around a nearby park. I loved hanging out with him, it didn't even matter to me what we were doing.

He was the kind of person that always listened to me. I could practically tell him anything.

Well... Almost anything at least...

As it started to get dark, Aiden and I decided to do a bit of stargazing before returning back to his house for the night.

"Y'know, Miles, you're a really good friend... You're literally the only friend I know in person that cares about me so much..."

I blush a bit at the sudden statement, and whisper, "Same here, ever since we met, I've been a lot happier. You're honestly the best."

We spend a few moments in comfortable silence, enjoying the other's company while gazing at the stars.

When I've grown to be an adult, I want to be an astronaut... Playing Among Us for a long timespan has been rubbing off on me.

"Well, it's getting kind of late... Let's pick up your stuff and walk home..."

I nod and stand up. We walk to his house to pick up my stuff.

He walks me home like the gentleman he is, waving to me as he says goodbye. My parents were fast asleep, so I snuck in quietly.

I wanted to play a bit of among us before I went to bed, but my mom's stupid screen time thing was still set up. I groan in annoyance and place my phone on my night table before closing my eyes.

I thought about how it would be to meet the whole crew. Meeting Veteran would be a dream come true... But even meeting MrCheese, Gentleman, or even Captain would be pretty cool...

Maybe someday, just maybe... But right now I'm going to get some rest.


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