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I woke up to the sound of chattering. Groaning, I roll to the side and cover my ears. It didn't do much to block out the sound, though.

Sitting up, I yawn and stretch before glaring at Miles and Tommy. "Could you two be any louder?!"

"...Y'know, I kind of see what you mean now, Tommy."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" The two of them exchange glances before sniggering in response. Miles too was laughing along with Tommy, and it was starting to severely piss me off.

"Alright, you two. Spit it out. What's so funny? Did you place fake cockroaches into my hair? Draw a mustache on my face while I was asleep? Whatever it is, I don't care. Let me sleep!"

"Goodness, MrCheese. What's got you so riled up this morning?" Tommy says in response. In a flash, I sit back up and glare at him, rolling my blanket into a ball before chucking it straight at him. Tommy snarls, throwing it back at me with more force. The two of us continue this exchange for about a minute until Miles had enough of it.

"Okay, okay, you two. Settle down."

"Tommy started it."

"I did not! You attacked me first!"

"You decided to piss me off."


Mile steps between us, holding up both of his hands. "Truce. I don't want you two breaking everything in my room, thanks." Scoffing, I cross my arms.

"...I'll grab breakfast. You two, seriously... Don't destroy my room while I'm gone. Especially you, Oliver."

"Hey!" I hiss in response. Miles exits the room with a sheepish grin, leaving me alone with Tommy. Ugh.

"Hey, Oliver... Can we, y'know... Go back to being friends? I miss you...," Tommy says softly, sitting on top of his blanket. I glare at him in response. Who does he think he is, huh?!

I should've seen the red flags the moment I knew who he was online. Once an annoying pest, always an annoying pest. First he tries to steal Gentleman from me, now Eben?!

"Oliver, please... What have I done to upset you so badly...? You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you to something that I don't even know about."

"...Why do you always have to steal my friends away from me, Tommy?!" I snap. Tommy's eyebrow raises in response.

"Are you referring to Eben? You think I'm trying to steal him away from you, Oliver?"

"I never even mentioned Eben!"

"Judging by how upset you are, it's definitely about Eben. Oliver, I'd never try to steal him away from you! But am I not allowed to be friends with him too? Why should your little crush on him prevent me from making friends?"

"I don't have a crush-!"

"C'mon, Oliver. I'm not going to state the obvious. Just... Think about it, okay? You know that you mean a lot to me. I would never jeopardize our friendship to ruin things between you and Eben. You know that, deep down." I go silent at his response.

"I'm back, guys! Hopefully my room is still intact." Miles returns with three plates of eggs and bacon, handing one to each of us.

In my peripheral view I could see Tommy eyeing me, clearly wanting some sort of response from me. I didn't give it to him though, and I start eating. The food was pretty good, the best I've had in probably a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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