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Oliver's POV~


"We should get back inside...," Eben whispers, holding me closely, "We have class."

"Y-Yeah... But Tommy..."

"He'll come around, Olive," Eben says reassuringly, "I know it."

I sigh and nod reluctantly, still holding onto Eben's hand tightly. We walk back into the school together, quietly enjoying each other's company.

That's when we notice a lot of teachers and students running out of their classrooms. "What's going on," I mumble. Eben shrugs and says, "Let's follow them."

The two of us run side-by-side, curious as to what was causing all of this commotion. I heard a familiar voice— Aiden's.

"Let me go!" He exclaims, "Miles!" My eyes widened at the sight. Aiden was being dragged away by a teacher.

The teacher shows no remorse and continues to drag him away. That's when I notice an unconscious and wounded Miles on the ground.

"That kid hurt these two kids, can you believe that?!"

I was left in shock. Aiden did this? How could Aiden hurts Miles?!

"Miles!" Eben exclaims, rushing to his side. Miles was hardly breathing.

"Step aside, kids. I'm gonna call the hospital. These two kids are injured really badly."

One of the teachers dial for an ambulance, while the other teachers try to keep us calm. "Don't worry, everyone, they will be alright."

"How could Aiden do this...," I whisper to Eben. His eyes were filled with fear. "I... I don't know..."


Tommy's POV~


I didn't care where I was going. I just wanted to run far enough so I'd never have to see Oliver or any of them ever again. Running away with Oliver was the worst mistake I have ever made in my life.

This was like my worst nightmare— my biggest cyber bully, MrCheese, was my best friend in real life. How could this be?

Well, was my best friend. I'm certainly never talking to him again, that's for sure.

I ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore. I was in a deserted area. No one was around.

I take this time to catch my breath. I open up my discord and leave the server. I didn't want to be stuck in a server with him.

The cool breeze hits the back of my neck. It was comforting, honestly, to feel the wind. It was a bit chilly out, but luckily I had my coat on. It was the one that Miles had given me a few weeks ago. I treasured it.

My heart pangs at the thought of never seeing my friends again. Maybe I went a bit overboard...

"Hey, kid, what're you doing so far out here?"

I tall man with a shaggy beard approaches me. My stomach churns.

"O-Oh, uh... I was just leaving-!"

"Wait," he says, "Are you alone?"

My heart starts to beat faster. "U-Uh, yeah... I ran away."

"Poor kid...," he says, "Come with me, I know of a place where you can stay."

"I— I think I'll just get going, thanks though!" I run as fast as my legs can carry. The man bolts after me, shouting, "Come back here, kid! I'm not done with you yet!"

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