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A/n: So, the moment we've all been waiting for...


Tommy's POV~


It was like time stood still. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Before me sat my greatest enemy in among us. The person that cyberbullied me constantly. The person that made me feel insecure about myself.

My breathing shallows.

Oliver hasn't noticed my presence yet. I exit the closet in tears, sobbing silently.

How could he do this to me? How could my best friend be my worst bully?


A few weeks have passed, and I couldn't even talk to Oliver. He was confused why, but... I didn't even have the courage to tell him.

"Tommy? Can you please tell me what's up?"

I turn away and ignore him. I couldn't even look him in the eyes.

He frowns and walks away sadly. The rest of our friends were super confused.

"Tommy, what's going on?" Miles whispers a few days later, "You haven't been yourself for days!"

"I'm fine," I grumble. He opens his mouth to protest, but I had already walked away. I felt so betrayed by who I thought was my best friend.


Oliver's POV~


I sigh and frown as I take a seat at my desk. It's been over a week since Tommy and I spoke. During the last few days of break, he started to ignore me. I couldn't understand why, but it really hurt. I really didn't know what I did...

"Oliver, it's okay!" Eben exclaims, "I'm sure he'll come around sooner or later!"

I sniff and sigh. "It's been over a week, Eben... I still don't know what I did!"

Eben embraces me in a comforting hug. "Don't worry, Oliver... He'll come around..." I wrap my arms around his waist and whisper, "Thanks, Eben..."

"Dude, what's up with Tommy? He's literally been ignoring us for over a week!" Miles exclaims, sitting down with his arms crossed. Aiden pats Miles' head.

I looked around the cafeteria for Tommy, but he was nowhere in sight.

That's odd... I thought, He's always here!

"Guys? Have you guys seen Tommy? I haven't seen him since this morning..."

Miles shakes his head. "The last time I spoke to him was before first period."

"Yeah, I don't recall seeing him..."

"I'm gonna go look for him...," I mumble. I was starting to get worried.

"I'll come with you, Oliver!" Eben immediately volunteers. My heart flutters at the thought.

"You two lovebirds have fun," Aiden says with an eye roll, "Miles and I will be here."

My face heats up. "S-Shut up!"

Eben chuckles and grabs my hand. "Lead the way, Olive."

My blush darkens. Ugh, ugh, c'mon Oliver, don't get distracted! You belong with Gentleman, remember? MrCheese and Gentleman belong together! He would be heartbroken if he knew you loved someone else!

"O-Oliver?" Eben says suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Y-Yeah?"

"I found Tommy..."

I gasp and turn around to where Eben was pointing. Tommy was sitting alone on a bench, sobbing into his hands. Tears streamed through the cracks of his fingers and stained his cheeks. My heart broke at the sight.

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