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A/n: Due to *cough* very common request to update, it's here!


Player/ Miles' POV~


Aiden's house is huge. His living room is the size of my whole house, like holy shit.

I gasp in awe and take it all in. Aiden chortles and pats my back. "Soo, Miles, I've heard your mom mention that you play videogames." 

"Oh, yeah. I'm a complete addict."

"What games do you play?"

"Mostly Among Us," I say with a shrug. He gasps and says, "I do too!"

"No way, really?"

"Wanna play together?" he asks, taking out his phone. I sigh and say, "I would, but my mom has this 'screen time' thing set up," I say with a small whine, "It's sooo annoying."

"It's okay!" Aiden assures, putting his phone back into his pocket, "We can play some other time."

He grabs my hand and drags me into his bedroom, which was huge. The walls were a light-cyan hue, and his furniture matched with it. He had a million posters and action figures haphazardly scattered.

He scratches the back of his neck. "Sorry for the mess, I'm not organized at all."

"Me neither," I say with a shrug, "Mine's way worse, and I just moved in."

"Pfft, really?"

"Yup. I have consoles and random stuff I didn't know I had scattered on the floor. Don't ask."

He chuckles a bit. "Soo, wanna eat something?"

"Sure," I say with a shrug. He drags me into the dining room and calls over a maid.

"What do you want?" He asks. "Uhh, whatever you're having is fine, thanks."

The maid nods and exits the room. "So," Aiden says, "How long have you played among us?"

"A while now, but I'm still a noob," I admit. "What about you?"

"I'm the best among us player out there," he gloats. The way he said that reminded me of Veteran, ngl.

"I'm sure you are, I'm a complete noob. My whole server can tell when I'm the impostor."

He snorts. "Guess I'm going to have to teach you, then."

"That'd be great," I say, "I can't seem to win."

He freezes for a moment. "Oh, I have a friend like that too. Don't tell him, but he's a complete noob and would kill me if I said that."

The maid hands us each a bowl of ramen. Aiden takes a whiff of it and sighs. "I love ramen..."

"I've never tried it before."

He gasps and almost chokes on his mouthful. "What?!"

I shrug and say, "Is it good?"

"It's the best, you have to try it!" He hands me a pair of chopsticks.

"Uhh, I don't know how to use chopsticks," I say, blushing in embarrassment. "It's okay, I'll show ya!"


"Okay, ramen's officially my favorite food," I say, sighing in content. Aiden smirks and says, "I told ya so."

The maid clears the table, and Aiden asks, "So, what do you want for dessert?"

My eyes widen. Dessert?

Aiden chortles at my facial expression. "Don't be shy, she can make almost any dessert you can think of."

"Uh, whatever you're having."

The maid nods and walks off at that.

"Soo, Miles," Aiden starts, "Can I have your phone number so we can text?"

"Oh yeah, of course!" I hand Aiden my phone and he creates a contact for himself. He hands my phone back.

The maid returns with a few scoops of ice cream.


I return home that night thinking about Aiden. Every thought I had was about that blonde-haired boy. 

"So, Miles," Mom says as I enter the house, "Did you have fun on your first day of school?"

"Surprisingly," I mumble, "Yeah. Aiden's a really good friend."

I wasn't kidding, not one bit. I felt connected to Aiden in so many ways. It felt as if I had known him for many years.

Crazy, right?

I finish my homework and say goodnight to my parents. I sneak on to my phone and open the Among Us app.

"Heya, Player!" Veteran greets with a wave. I return a warm smile and hug my best friend.

"Heya, bestie!" Captain exclaims, earning a groan of annoyance from Veteran.

The game starts and I bite my lip in anticipation.


I spawn into the cafeteria and make my way into admin to complete my first task. Veteran follows close behind me, completing the card-swipe task.

"So, home-slice," he starts, "How did your first day of school go?"

I take a deep breath before replying, "Actually, not bad. I actually made a friend."

He pouts. "Don't say I've been replaced already."

Chortling, I reply, "Never, don't worry pal."

We walk side-by-side into electrical. I look down at my tablet. Calibrate the distributor. 

It doesn't take me many tries to complete, but Veteran, on the other hand, managed to complete it first try.

"Veteran, how are you so good at this game? I haven't even won yet as a crewmate!"

He shrugs and says, "I guess I'm just good at everything."

I roll my eyes and smile. No one will ever replace him, that's for sure.

My phone vibrates and a notification pops up.

Hey, Miles, it's me, Aiden!

Debating to myself whether I should reply instantly or not, I pause the game momentarily and sigh.

Hey, Aiden!, I reply. It doesn't take Aiden more than a couple of seconds to write, hru?

I'm fine, thanks, hbu?

:) I'm good, thanks. Oh, hey, do you want to play among us with me and my friends?

I'm about to reply when my mom shouts, "Miles, dinner!"

Seriously, mom?! Of all times, now?!

"Coming!" I shout back, groaning in annoyance.

Turning back to my phone, I sigh and reply, I'd love to, maybe tomorrow? I need to eat dinner and my mom takes my phone away every night.

Haha, it's alright. Cya tomorrow pal!

"Veteran, I gotta go," I sigh. He frowns and says, "Aww, already?"

"Yeah, I'll be back online tomorrow hopefully. Talk on discord tomorrow?"

"Hell yeah, bye pal."

Taking one last look around, I exit the game and run downstairs.

I can't wait to introduce Aiden to Veteran. They'd get along so well.


A/n: Little does he know...


I'm not funny. Also, I'm so sorry for the late update! School sucks -.-\

Flare, out.

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