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MrEgg / Tommy's POV~


It's weird to wake up one day and realize that your best friend has gone missing.

I know, I know, it's weird. It's weird how life chooses who you lose and who stays with you. I just really wish life could've kept my best friend here with me, in this lonely foster care system. I really miss him...

His name was Oliver. Though he was constantly punished for his small mishaps, he was always free-spirited and kind. He always treated me with kindness and even called me his best friend at one point.

I was devastated when he went missing one morning. 

It all started with me waking up for breakfast. As I exited my small bedroom, I heard the sound of Kate shouting. This wasn't unusual, because she always shouted, but as I got closer and closer I realized that she was furious.

"Where's that stupid brown-haired boy?! I never gave him permission to leave this room, so where the fuck is he?!" That's when I realized she was in Oliver's room. My heart started racing. Was Oliver in trouble? Where is he? Is he alright? I knew Oliver loved to explore, but he never pulled a stunt quite like this one before.

Kate storms out of Oliver's bedroom and shouts, "Oliver, if I find you, you'll wish you were never born!" I shudder and crawl back into my room.


Weeks and weeks swept by, and Oliver still wasn't here. My worry for him increased every second. What if he was kidnapped? What if he's hurt? What if he's... dead... No, Tommy, don't think that way. Oliver's strong.

I take my phone out of my pocket to play some among us with my friends. I prayed internally that MrCheese wouldn't be there, but, of course, my prayer went unanswered. When MrCheese spots me, he sticks his tongue out at me. I copy his action, and he rolls his eyes.

If I ever, and I mean ever met that stupid cheese-head in real life, I'll show him his place. But, for now, I must tolerate this idiot.

I wonder who raised this kid.

Gentleman spawns in a few moments later, greeting both MrCheese and me. MrCheese lets out a jealous grumble before grabbing Gentleman's hand and dragging him away from me. Honestly, I no longer had romantic feelings for the Gentleman-- I just wanted to be friends with him. MrCheese didn't seem to understand my intentions, I guess.


After playing a few rounds of among us, I got tired of MrCheese's bullying so I decided to leave the game. I sigh and return my phone back to my pocket before sitting down in the cafeteria for dinner.

Kate was not amused.

"Why are you so late, Tommy?!" She exclaims, my name bile on her tongue, "Dinner took place over twenty minutes ago!" The other foster children snickered, knowing I was going to get beaten for this. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. "S-Sorry," I manage to choke out.

Kate's cold stare never died as she pointed to my bowl of porridge. "After dinner," she hisses, "Meet me in my quarters. Don't you dare not show up, I have a special punishment waiting for you." Kate exits the room at that. Once she was out of sight, the other children started to bully me. Without Oliver to help me, I was beaten until my eyes were blue and black.


My body ached as I made my way toward Kate's quarters. I was a bit hesitant to arrive, but I knew I'd get a worse punishment if I didn't show up. So, taking a deep breath, I knock on her wooden door and wait for her to invite me inside.

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