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No a/n lol, I'm too tired to make one.

Well, (edit) half an a/n. Mystery character comin up! ;3





I heard a sharp scream. A cry of pain tore through my ears. I grit my teeth, in hope of tuning the sound out in any way.

I had this dream, almost every night. It was a weird occurrence, really. I was fully conscious whenever I fell asleep— but I was trapped inside my brain.

In simpler terms, I had sleep paralysis.

Basically, my body becomes immobile in the middle of the night, yet... I can see everything. The snow, the darkness. It's terrifying.

No matter how predictable my dream was, it never got less frightening.

"G-Gah!" I exclaim, my eyes snapping open at eight-thirty sharp.

My body was covered head to toe with snow. If I hadn't taken a thick winter coat before I ran away, I would've froze to death.

"S-Sugar," I mumble, internally cursing myself out. It's been a few weeks and I'm still lost.

I didn't want to tell Miles and worry him. So, whenever he asked about my whereabouts, I lied and told him I was at home.

"C-Cold...," I groan, standing up and dusting myself off. My hands were trembling. I felt like I'd fall unconscious at any moment.

No, Georgie! You can't fall unconscious! You'll die out here! My mind scolds.

What if I want to die? I retort mentally.

I pick up my backpack and start to walk around aimlessly. I was getting colder and colder every minute that passed. My consciousness started to slip away, every step I took.

"H-Help...," I whisper, fading into darkness.


The smell of burning wood scuffed my nose. I groan quietly before opening my eyes slowly. Warmth overtook my body.

Am I in heaven? I thought, looking around. I was in a cozy cabin, where a cup of steaming hot tea sat before me.


"Over here, pal."

My head flips around. A boy around my age sat there comfortably, holding his own cup of tea.

"Don't be shy," he says, "That tea is for you."

I blink and pick up the small teacup, not wanting to be rude to the person that saved my life.

"W-Who... Who are you...?" I whisper softly, looking into his forest-green eyes. He takes a long sip and puts down his cup of tea.

"I'm Collin," he mumbles. "What are you doing so far out in the woods? Especially during a blizzard?"

"I... I'm a runaway," I admit. He looks at me in disbelief. "You? A runaway?"

"Y-Yeah... I couldn't handle the abuse at my home so I... Well, decided to run away. At one point, I even considered killing myself..."

He looks at me softly, patting my back. I look up at him and ask, "D-Do you live alone...?"

He looks down for a moment and nods. "Yeah... My parents both died in a car accident when I was ten, so my grandparents took me in... They passed away three months ago. This was their house."

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