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A/n: This book was most requested for an update, so... Here I am...

Jk, I'm just as excited as you guys are.

Alright, chapter ten is going to be a special one...





"No... NO!"

"Veteran, are you crazy?! We have to get out of here!"

The yellow-suited crewmember was paralyzed in place. He could hardly hear Player screaming over the loud sirens blaring through his eardrums.

"Player, bestie, we have to go!"

"No! Not without Veteran! I won't leave without him!"


Veteran's breathing shallowed as he put his fingertips onto the metal keypad. He couldn't give up, he just couldn't. He had to save MrCheese, MrEgg, and Gentleman before it was too late. Even if it meant risking his own life.

"8, 7, 6, 5..."

He turned around to face his best friend, his eyes filled with regret. "I'm sorry, Player..."

Player's eyes filled with tears. "Veteran, NO!"

"Captain," Veteran whispers, "Get Player out of here..." Captain nodded reluctantly and grabbed Player's arm. "I'm sorry, bestie..."

"4, 3, 2..."

"Wait! Veteran, b-before you... do this... W-Who are you?"

Veteran turns around, facing his best friend. Regret filled his visor. He knew everything. He knew who Player was. He knew that he couldn't tell Player anything, even if...

...Even if he loved him.

So, with his last breath, he whispers, "Goodbye, Player..."


Captain frantically picks up his best friend and dives into an airlock, safely pushing them out of the ship.



Miles jolts awake, panting and sweating feverishly. It was currently five in the morning.

Fear and guilt coursed through him. He knew it was just a nightmare, but... It shook him down to the core.

He didn't even know who Veteran was— for all he knew, Veteran could be a fifty-year old man living in his mother's basement. But... No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get Veteran out of his head.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, Miles grumbles and grabs his phone. He opens the discord app and checks through his messages. Almost all of the crewmembers were offline, except for MrCheese. Curious, Miles decides to message him.

"MrCheese? What are you doing awake?"

MrCheese jolts a bit and says, "Player! You almost scared the living shit out of me!"

"Sorry," Player says, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, "But, seriously, how are you awake at this hour? I know we live in the same time zone."

MrCheese sighs. "I'm just... Going through a bit of a dilemma, if you will."

Player motions for him to go on. "Well... I'm in love with this guy at school. He's really cute and caring. But... I also love Gentleman..."

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