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A/n: There will be some very strong mentions of torture/ abuse. If this makes you uncomfortable, you should probably skip this chapter.

Thanks for the 4k+ :3


MrCheese / Oliver's POV~


There's no lonelier life than the life of a foster child.

Let me elaborate.

I've been going through foster care all of my life, and let me tell you-- I'd do anything to have a real family.

It's not easy to feel loved when you're constantly given up and rejected many times, by countless amounts of moms and dads.

I know, I know, my voice sounds stupid. I've been told countless amounts of times. My voice is the main reason why people don't want me.

The sad thing is, I can't control it. I can't exactly control how I'd like my voice to sound. If I could have one wish, it'd be to have a family. Or at least a group of friends that cared about me.

I felt a bit of hope every time I joined Captain's lobby. I know I can be a bit of a stuck-up jerk, but can you blame me? All my life, no one's appraised me or even cheered me on. I had to build confidence on my own.

"Hey MrCheese," Veteran greets with a wave, "How are you today?"

This question caught me a bit off guard. I've never talked about my personal life to my friends.

"I'm fine," I reply, in a tone that was a bit harsher than I had intended, "I can't really play any Among us today, I've got a lot going on."

He nods and leaves me be. Gentleman walks up to me, repositioning his tophats. "Good morning to you, MrCheese."

"Hey, Gentleman!" I exclaim, a hint of excitement in my voice. I always stored Gentleman in a special place in my (cold) heart. I always felt like he could understand me.

I embrace him in a hug and he awkwardly hugs back.

"Oliver, get your stupid ass over here! You have a lot of chores to do!"

I sigh and say, "Gotta go, Gentleman..."

"Bye for now, MrCheese," he says with a small wave. I wave back before logging off of discord.

"When will you stop wasting your time on that stupid tablet?! Especially when you don't even finish your chores!" Kate shouts.

Kate was an absolute witch. She's the one that told me I'd never find a family with my stupid voice. She's the one who likes to make me suffer.

I've grown to get used to her yelling. I've been spanked by her a couple of times for misbehaving, but after years and years, I've grown to be numb to all of her punishments...

"You know what?! Since this is the third week in a row, I'm using the electric chair!"

...Except for this one.

"N-No, please!" I exclaim, "I won't do it again! I promise!"

She ignores my pleads and drags me into the torture chamber. I knew that it was hopeless to struggle against her death grip, so I didn't bother trying to escape her grasp.

She ties my wrists to the armrests and ties my ankles to the legs of the wooden chair. I struggle a slight bit, praying that I'd manage to escape somehow. As always, my prayers go unanswered as she pulls out a small remote.

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