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Yk the drill: FOLLOW Acyan_namedKitKAt!!!!


Player/ Miles' POV~


"So, Player, did you move into your new house yet?"

"Yeah, it's pretty cozy," I admit. Veteran chuckles a bit. "I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not, home-slice."

"I'm serious, Veteran! I actually like it here. Oh, and I got some bad news to spill..."

Captain gasps. "Did you break your leg?"

"Dude, are you quitting Among Us?! That'd be so unchill," Stoner says.

"What? No-!"

Bro rolls his eyes. "Let Player talk, guys."

"I- I won't be able to play Among Us for a while. I have school," I say flatly. Veteran pats me on the back and says, "Same bro, I was going to find a way to tell you but here we are."

Captain gasps. "Aww, I'll miss ya, bestie..."

"I'll miss ya too, Captain." I embrace Captain in a small hug. Veteran grunts in jealousy. 

I smirk a bit. "You too, Veteran. We'll talk on Discord though."

"Yeah, I'll miss you, Player," he says with a pout. I embrace him in a hug before saying, "I'm going to head to bed, bye guys."

"Bye, Mr. Player," TheGentleman says solemnly.

Taking a few looks back, I exit the server and place my phone on my nightstand. Then, I drift off into the peaceful world of sleep.


"Miles, wake up!"

"U-uh, Veteran-?"

"Now!" Mom shouts, ripping the blanket off of me. Cold air hits me and I jolt awake.

She tosses me a muffin and shouts, "Grab your backpack, or you'll miss the bus!"

I grumble a bit but oblige nevertheless. "Okay, mom, I'm going."

The thought of seeing Aiden made my heart flutter a bit. He was so nice to me yesterday, I hope it wasn't all for show...

"Heya, Miles!" Aiden shouts as I exit my house. My face morphs into a small smile as the taller embraces me into a friendly hug.

We walk side-by-side. We make it to the bus just on time. 

"W-wait, before we go in Miles," he whispers, "If anyone's rude to you, just tell me and I'll split them into two."

"Will do," I chortle. He grabs my hand and drags me inside of the almost-full bus. The other people were begging to sit next to Aiden, yet, he sat next to me? 


"Ignore them," he says. "They're idiots."


The other people give me weird glances, and I could almost feel the pressure building upon my chest. I pull my phone out of my pocket and decide to send Veteran a message because I really needed his advice.

"Vet, you there?"

"Yeah, what's up, Player?"

I inhale sharply before saying, "I don't know what to do. It's my first day, and I'm already getting weird stares."

Aiden shifts a bit next to me, typing on his phone. I was curious about what he was writing, but I respected his privacy.

"Just be yourself, Player. You're a great guy, everyone just needs to get to know ya."

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