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A/n: Another reminder to follow Acyan_namedKitKAt if you enjoy this chapter! Much appreciated! 


Player/ Miles' POV~


"Miles, I won't ask again, get off your phone! We're finally here!"

"Ugh, mom, I'm with my friend."

"What friend?" Mom asks, narrowing her eyes. "Veteran."

"Who's Veteran?" She asks, "And why are you so interested in him?"

"'Cause he's my best friend, mom. Ooh, I'm the impostor. Okay, I've gotta win..."

Mom facepalms and steals my phone. "MOM!"

She lets out a breathy chuckle and says, "Go explore around the neighborhood, and get off of your phone for once. I'll give it back later."

I grunt, annoyed. "Fine. This sucks."

I slam the car door and breathe in the fresh air around me. It was actually pretty relieving to be outside after an eight-hour car ride.

"Miles, your father and I will do some unpacking. Be back no later than seven."

"Okay, mom. Whatever," I grumble.


Veteran/ Aiden's POV~


"Aiden, get off your phone and take a walk. You've been trapped in this house for weeks," dad instructs. I sigh and place my phone into my pocket, letting out a tired yawn.

Dad hands me a hundred dollars and says, "Buy some ice cream or something for your friends."

"I don't have friends, dad! Don't you understand? They use me because you're my dad."

"C'mon, Aiden. Then try making some new friends." My dad exits the room at that, leaving me alone.

"A walk would be nice...," I mumble to myself. Placing the one hundred dollar bill into my pocket securely, I exit my bedroom and walk into my living room. Classical music was playing, and I roll my eyes. 

Opening the gates on my front lawn, I finally make it to the streets. I take a deep breath in and head off to the convenience store, where I'd buy something to eat, alone.

The metal door opens with a jingle and the clerk waves. "Hi, Aiden! If it isn't my favorite customer! What can I do for you today?"

Cut the sweet talk, I thought. "Uhh, chocolate. Yeah, any sort of chocolate bar you have, I'll take three of them."

He nods. "Anything else?"

"Nope," I say, popping the 'p'. I hand him the hundred dollar bill and take my change. Then, I exit the store and sit on a nearby bench.

"Hey, Veteran, where's Player?"

"Why are you asking me? How would I know?"

Player had suddenly disconnected and never rejoined, which was unlike him. I wonder what he's doing...

"Anyway, Captain wants to try out one impostor. This is going to be hard," Bro says. I nod and reposition my crown before the game starts.


My eyes widen and I grin. Okay, this is going to be pretty hard without an alibi...

I sneak around the Skeld, waiting to kill an unfortunate crewmate.

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