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Player/Miles' POV~


Dead body reported.

"Where, dudes and dudettes?" Stoner asks. 

Captain sighs and says, "I am sad to say that Bro is dead."

Everyone gasps. "Oh no, was there anyone nearby?"

Captain shakes his head. 

Everyone frantically exchanges glances before everyone goes, "Player's being suspiciously quiet..."

"What?! How?" I say, facepalming. I'm almost always sus. Red is a cursed color, I tell ya.

"Guys, I don't think it's Player-!" Veteran says but gets cut off by Gnome.

"Hm, yeah, it is. All those in favor of ejecting Player, say, 'aye!'"


Player was not an impostor. Two impostors remain.

I grunt in annoyance and cross my arms. No one ever trusts me, and it's super annoying. I've played dozens on top of dozens of rounds-- yet, I've never won. Not even as a crewmate.

When the round ends, Captain rubs his neck sheepishly. "Sorry, bestie. I should've trusted you."

Veteran rolls his eyes. "I'm his best friend, not you."

"No, I am!"

The two beans fight over my friendship. "Guys, you're both my friends!"

"I'm your best friend!"

"No, I am!"

This is how it always went. Veteran and Captain would fight, claiming that they were my 'bestie'. Veteran is always going to be my real bestie, though.

My name is Miles Kilo. You probably know me as Player, the among us player that's never won a single game.

I have no friends in real life. I'm an outcast at school, but at least I don't get bullied. I'm a loner, but that's okay. It gives me more time to hang out with my online best friend, Veteran.

Summer's ending in less than a week. How am I going to explain this to my friends?


Three days before school.

"Ugh, this game is impossible! I can't win!" I shout. Veteran pats me on the back. "You'll get it someday, Player."

"My name MrCheese."

"Shut up, MrCheese!"

"That's not how we communicate, TheGentleman," MrCheese says, crossing his arms. TheGentleman huffs and mumbles, "Ugh, just stop repeating your name every damn second!"

MrCheese sticks his tongue out at TheGentleman. Veteran rolls his eyes.

"Miles!" My mother shouts, "I need to tell you something important."

I sigh and type 'afk' before running into the kitchen. "What, mom?"

"Your dad and I have some really important news. We've decided to move to another city, where your father has gotten a job. You will attend another school."

"W-what?! Another school? But I know all the teachers at my current school!"

My father sighs. "I'm sorry, Miles, but this is the way it must be. We will leave at dawn tomorrow, so, start packing."

I run back to my room, deep in thought. A new school? What if there are bullies? What if everyone thinks I'm weird?

"Player, are you there?"

"Oh, hi, Veteran. Yeah, I'm here."

"You good buddy? You seem kinda down," Veteran says. Captain nods and says, "Yeah, what's up bestie?"

I sigh. "I'm moving to another place tomorrow, and I'm really nervous. My parents just spilled the news."

Veteran's eyes widen. "Oh, damn. Well, good luck, home-slice."

"Thanks, Veteran. I gotta go, see you guys later?"

"Yeah, bye, Player."


"Miles, wake up."

"Ugh, mom, ten more minutes..."

"In ten minutes, this house will no longer be ours. Get your ass up, Miles."

I groan and throw off my blanket. I grab my suitcase and my phone, before running downstairs.

"Hey, bud," Dad says, "You ready to go?"

"Physically, yes. Mentally, no," I reply. He sighs and whispers, "I'm sorry, Miles. We should've told you sooner."

We exit the only place I call home and enter my dad's broken-down Nissan. I take a quick look back before relaxing into the car seat.

"Heya, Player," Veteran says. "So, you missed a lot yesterday. MrCheese and TheGentleman are now a couple."

"What, really?"

"Yup, and Captain's being a pain in the ass again. Also, how do I do the manifolds task...?"

I facepalm and mumble, "Veteran, all you do is click the numbers in order. It's not that hard."

"I don't follow."

"Ugh. Anyway, I'm going to start the game."


Veteran and I walk side by side into medbay. He scans and I inspect samples. Captain walks in and says, "Hiya, bestie!"

"Oh my God, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm his best friend?!"

Oh boy, today's going to be a long day.


Veteran/ Aiden's POV~


"Hey, A., wanna hang out?"

"No, I don't. The last time we went on a 'hangout', you cost me over three hundred bucks," I say, crossing my arms.

"You suck," he says, rolling his eyes. 

I hate all the people at my school. They're only friends with me because my father owns a billion-dollar company.

Everyone's 'nice' to me until I stop giving them things. It's annoying as hell. I wish I had a real friend, that liked me because of me, not because I'm rich.

I spend most of my days playing Among us with my online best friend, Player. He's always there for me and even laughs at my jokes. I wish I knew someone like that in reality.

"Veteran, I swear, this game is rigged!" Player fumes. I chuckle lightly and say, "Trust me, Player. You'll win someday."

"Ugh, doubt it. I still like it better than Fall Guys though."

"You never won a Fall Guys game either," I point out. Player groans and mumbles, "Shut up, Veteran..."

I have school in two days. I'm really not looking forward to it-- I hate all the gold diggers and teachers. They favor me because of how much my father has.

Why can't everyone just like me for me?


A/n: Okay, here's the conclusion:


Anyways, thanks again Acyan_namedKitKAt!

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