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Gentleman / Ebenezer's POV~


Living in a household with parents who care so much about etiquette sucks.

Let me elaborate.

Last night, my mother had cooked chicken broth for dinner. My father had set the table and asked for me to sit down.

My mother handed a bowl of soup to each of us. 

I looked down, and there were five different kinds of spoons.

I must've mistaken the soup spoon with the dessert spoon. And, oh boy, I didn't hear the end of it.

My father was furious with me.

"Ebenezer, when will you learn proper etiquette?! First your horrid fashion sense, then this?! You're such a disappointment to our family name!"

Before you make fun of me for my name, I know it sounds ridiculous. My father could've named me anything else in the world, yet he chooses to name me Ebenezer?!


Another perk of living in such a strict household is being homeschooled. That's right, I've never had the choice to attend a real school.

To some, this may be a blessing. But to me, it's worse than being locked up in a steel cell.

I wanted to make friends. I wanted to be able to have acquaintances. I just wanted to live a normal life.

Among us was my only form of escape to this crude reality.

I know it sounds weird, but I've actually grown quite fond of MrCheese.

Not just as a friend, but more of a lover. I felt a strong bond whenever we spent time together.

I know I shouldn't be falling for someone I don't even know in real life-- for all I know, they could be a fifty-year-old pedophile living in their mother's basement. But our connection, dare I say, love, felt so real...

I've been begging my parents my whole life to attend a public school or at least a private school. 

I'm saddened to say I've never been able to convince them.

...Well, until today.


Today was a normal day. I was on my mobile phone, playing among us with my fellow friends when my father had called for me downstairs.

I sigh and say, "I'll be right back, MrCheese."

Leaving my device on my bed, I trudged downstairs. Was my father going to lecture me about another small mishap? Was my father upset?

"Ebenezer," my father hisses, "What took you so long?"

"I'm sorry father," I grumble.

He nods and motions for my mother to speak.

"So, my son, your father and I have been talking about your non-stop request to attend public school."

Oh great, I thought, Another lecture. How sweet.

"We've decided that we'll allow you to attend, as long as you promise to keep straight A's as you do at home."

My eyes widen in disbelief. "Wait, really!?"

My parents nod and I jump up and down, ecstatic. My life-long dream was finally going to come true!

I dash upstairs back into my room, a large smile spread across my face.

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