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A/n: This book is fun to update lol


Oliver's POV~



It's as if time stood still. Tommy, my best friend in the whole wide world, was MrEgg...? The person I despised right when we met?

I was left speechless. I had unknowingly bullied my best friend.

"I... Tommy, I..."

He walks away at that, trudging to the park. He sits down on a soft bed of grass and sighs sadly.

I follow him cautiously. "T-Tommy..."

"What?" He hisses softly, "I-If you're gonna bully me, go right ahead-!"

I pull him into a hug and sob. "No... I'm so sorry, Tommy... I should've never done the things I did..."

Tommy froze for a moment. "Oh, Oliver, don't cry... Please..."

"I... I should go. I don't even deserve your forgiveness...," I whisper softly. I start to walk away.

He tackles me into a hug. "No, don't go... I forgive you..."

"Y-You... You do...?"

He nods. "Of course I do... You're my best friend after all..." He uses his finger to wipe away my tears. "Don't cry, Oliver... It's alright."

I sniff and hug him tight. I was so grateful to have such a sweet and forgiving friend like Tommy.

"I don't know what I would've done without you," I whisper. He smiles and says, "You'll never have to worry about that. You can't get rid of me that easily!"

"Still... Thanks for forgiving me..." The two of us slowly let go of each other.

"Now, c'mon, let's stop these bad vibes. Tag, you're it!" Tommy shouts, booping my shoulder and sprinting away.

"You're on!" I shout, chasing after him.


"You're such a slow runner, Oliver!" Tommy exclaims. I pout and cross my arms. "Hey, don't make fun of me."

He mimics my actions and rolls his eyes playfully.

"Oh, it's getting quite dark out here," he says, "We should probably head back to Aiden's."

"Yeah, but... After what he did to Miles..."

"Huh? What happened?" He asks, "Is Miles hurt...?"

I tell him everything I knew. "O-Oh my gosh... How could Aiden turn on Miles like that?!"

"I don't know, Tommy... For all I know, he might do the same to us!"

"Something sounds sketchy. Why would Aiden just attack Miles? He literally has a crush on the guy... That doesn't really make sense logically," he reasons. I think about his proposal for a few moments. "I mean, I wasn't there witnessing it— the teachers were the ones that told everyone... I doubt they'd lie."

Tommy thinks for a few moments. "Well, I guess it's safer for us to spend the night here, anyway. It's like pitch-black out here."

"Man, I'm not even tired...," I grumble. Tommy rolls his eyes and takes my phone out of my hands. "Get some rest, Oliver! You're always up until like three in the morning playing games!"

"Among us," I correct him. He rolls his eyes and says, "I don't care. Just get some goddamn sleep!"

"Aww, But I wanna see Gentleman-!"

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