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A/n: This book gives me miraculous vibes I-

Maybe bc it's meant to...

Nah jk.


Or am I...?





"Am I not important to him anymore...?" I whisper, my boots crunching down on the snow. Angry tears trickle down my cheeks.

I pull out my phone and think about texting Player. Would he understand?

It's worth a shot, I thought.

'Player?' I say, 'Can we talk?'

I stared at Player's icon, hoping he'd go online. I sighed five minutes later when Player still hasn't replied.

Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I sat down on a small log. I felt a small vibration, so I pull my phone out. I groan when I saw it was Miles.

'Aiden, where are you?'

'Are you okay?'

I inhale slowly and start to type, but I lose my train of thought when I get a notification from Player.

'Veteran? What's wrong?'

'Remember the guy I like?' I say. He nods and motions for me to continue. 'Yeah, what about him?'

'I feel like he doesn't want to talk to me anymore... He never has time for me...'

'Oh... I'm so sorry, Veteran,' he says, patting my back. 'But, I'll always be here for you, I promise.'

A small smile tugs my lips. 'I know. Thanks, Player.'

'Of course, Vet! I need to go, but if you need something don't hesitate to message me!'

'Bye, Player,' I say, before he goes offline once again.

Maybe I should just go home... I thought. The sun's gonna set real soon and I don't want to get lost.

But, shit. If I return home, my dad will kill me.

Maybe sleeping in the snow for one night wouldn't be so bad...? I sit back down on the cold substance and close my eyes, hoping to be able to lull myself to sleep.





I stood there, utter disbelief to what I was hearing.

Eben seemed equally as shocked, staring at them with a look of disbelief. I was completely confused as to how they knew who MrCheese and MrEgg were.

"I hate you!" Oliver shouts, throwing a punch at Tommy. Tommy dodges it and throws a kick at him. The two end up falling on top of each other. They continue to tackle and beat each other up.

"Guys, stop...," Eben says, visible fear showing through his eyes. Tommy and Oliver either ignored or didn't hear Eben.

"Guys! Stop!" Eben says once more. The two of them continue to bicker.

"WILL BOTH OF YOU STOP?!" Eben shouts, causing the three of us to freeze in place.

Oliver shoves Tommy off of him. Tommy sends a stone-hard glare at Oliver.

"What are you two even fighting about?!" Eben exclaims, glaring at the two boys. Oliver's face flushes.

"B-Because I hate him!" He exclaims.

"Totally not because you think I'm taking your boyfriend away from you!" Tommy counters, sending an evil smile towards Oliver.

"Boyfriend?" Eben repeats, a hint of curiosity in his voice, "Oliver has a boyfriend?"

Tommy smirks. Oliver's cheeks turn a dangerously dark red. "No, I don't!" He exclaims, "Tommy is obviously lying! I'm not gay!"

"Right, so having an internet boyfriend makes you straight?"

"For the last time, I'm not his boyfriend!"

I stare at the two of them, dumbfounded.

"Guys, uh... Real quick question," I say. The two of them stop bickering for a moment.

"What?" Oliver hisses.

"When the two of you were calling each other names, I was wondering why you used, uh... MrCheese and MrEgg?"

Tommy rolls his eyes. "It's because Oliver here is an asshole online and that's his username."

"Yeah and Tommy here decided it'd be the best idea to copy my name!"

"Copy? If I wanted to copy you I'd be MrStinkyass!"

The two of them start to argue again. I felt completely paralyzed.

There's no way. Oliver and Tommy can't be them.

"Wait...," I heard Eben mumble. "That's impossible."

"We should split them up," I say quickly. Eben nods. I grab Tommy and Eben grabs Oliver.

"Let go of me!" Tommy exclaims, "I need to finish him once and for all!"

"As if you could!" Oliver shouts.

"That's it!" Eben shouts, dropping Oliver to the ground. "I can't handle this! I'm going home!"

"W-Wait Eben-!" Oliver shouts, but Eben was already gone.


"You two better not fight at two in the morning," I hiss quietly as I toss Tommy and Oliver each a blanket.

The two of them turn away from each other and nod. I sigh and place my phone on my nightstand before falling asleep.


"Aiden!" I exclaim, jolting awake. My whole body felt numb.

"Miles?" I heard Tommy whisper, "Why are you shouting?"

"Aiden...," I whisper, "We forgot Aiden! He needed to come home with us!"

Tommy's eyes widened in realization. "It's four in the morning... He's probably at home."

My breathing remains shaky. "I-I'm worried about him, Tommy... What should I do?!"

Tommy shushes me quietly and points to Oliver. I cover my mouth and sigh. "Sorry, Oliver..."

Then, it hit me. I had to confront Tommy about what happened earlier. I needed to be sure.

"Tommy? Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah? What's up, Miles?"

I pause. "You said you're MrEgg, right...?" He sends me a confused look but nods. "Yeah, that's pretty much my online name... Why?"

"You wouldn't happen to know a 'Player', right?"

"Wait... You know Player?! The one that always loses?!"

I wince a bit at that comment. "Uh... Y-Yeah... That's the one."

He looks at me in disbelief. "Hey, wait... How do you know Player?"

I pull out my phone, not answering his question. I quickly read through our messages on discord.

It couldn't be. This couldn't be. This whole time, I've been talking to Tommy?


"Tommy," I say, "I know Player because I'm Player."


A/n: Omg the suspense... Muahhahaha-

I might publish another chapter today, maybe not. But omg-

Have an amazing day or night! See you guys soon!

~Flare <3

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