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A/n: No a/n, just read ^^


Miles pondered about his dream the entire day. He couldn't stop thinking about Veteran, nor Aiden. His heart was hopelessly torn in half.

He spent the weekend alone in his room, trying his hardest to choose between Veteran and Aiden. Yet, no matter how much time he took thinking, he'd never come to a conclusion.

"Miles! Get your ass out of your room! You've been trapped in there for days!"

Miles sighs and grumbles, "Coming, Mom..."

"Honey, I want you to take a walk. You've been stuck inside this house for far too long!"

Miles sighed and realized that a walk would be quite pleasant, considering how long he'd been stuck inside. So, he agreed and gave up his phone, walking out into the cool and frigid weather. It was currently winter break, and he had no plans whatsoever.

Then, he heard something in the distance. The sound of a pained cry echoed through the clearing.

A small, chocolate-haired boy stood inches away from a cliff, sobbing into his hands. His tears leaked through the cracks of his fingers and dribbled onto the snow, freezing almost instantly.

Miles stood there quietly, mentally contemplating what to do in this situation. He didn't know who this person was— but something inside of him made him tap the taller's shoulder.

"A-Are you okay?" He asks softly. The taller freezes for a moment before turning around, gazing into Miles' amber-colored orbs.

"I-I'm fine, s-sorry to be a bother," the taller says quickly, averting his gaze to the ground. Miles engulfs him in a hug and whispers, "It'll all be okay, whatever it is..."

The taller slowly hugs Miles back, weeping softly onto his shoulder. "I-It's just... Everyone at school bullies me... No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try... I can't seem to make friends..."

"I can be your friend!" Miles exclaims instantly, "I'd love to be your friend."

"R-Really? But you don't even know me..."

"Doesn't matter. You seem like an awesome guy to me, I'd love to be friends! What's your name?"

"G-Georgie. Y-You?"

"I'm Miles, nice to meet you, Georgie. I sense that we'll be great friends."


Aiden's boots crunch through the snow as he walked. He shivered, holding himself tight as he followed his father.

His father had a photo shoot planned for his winter-themed advertisement. Aiden wasn't there to model or anything— his father just wanted to spend some time with him. Not exactly ideal though, right?

"D-Dad, I'm freezing!" Aiden exclaims, shivering and shaking as his teeth clattered. His father sent him a cold glare. "Aiden, quit complaining. I rarely get to spend quality time with you."

Something about his father's statement set something off inside of him.

"You rarely get to spend time with me because you're always busy working!" Aiden exclaims, "And the one time you choose to 'spend time' with me, it's at a business photo shoot!"

"Now, young man-!"

"No! I'm sick of this! I wish mom was still here! I wish I could've had a better dad, that actually loved me more than money!"

Aiden runs away from his father, sobbing into his hands. He felt so alone.


Ebenezer was having a terrible day, to say for the least.

His parents beat him countless times within the last hour. The reason? Well, he got back his midterm a few days ago and didn't make an A.

He made a B+, a few points away from an A. His parents were furious at him, and beat him until he was nearly unconscious.

Now, in the present, he was laying on his bed, wiping away blood from his scratched cheeks. He had a few bruises located on his temple, but nothing too serious.

He couldn't even cry without cringing in pain. Whenever he scrunched up his cheeks, blood would stream down his face.

He locates his phone and checks discord, only to frown when there were no new messages. He sighs and places his phone back underneath his pillow and laid back down, closing his eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep...

...Only to be awakened by his mother's shouting. His heart drops.

"Ebenezer, get down here NOW!"

Ignoring the pain that shot through his head, he bolts downstairs. Within seconds, he stood before his mother.

"I can't believe this— your report card came in today, and I found out that you have a B in science!"

Ebenezer opens his mouth to protest, but his mother went on. "And a B+ in math?! Your father and I raised you better than that!"

Tears streamed down Ebenezer's cheeks. His whole figure shook as he sobbed. His mother showed no sympathy, however.

"You're grounded until you can raise those B's into A's. Am I understood?!"

Ebenezer nods and runs back into his room, stuffing his face into his pillow. The blood from his cheeks stained the pillowcase a bit, but that was the least of his problems. He was worried that he'd never be able to see his friends again.

"W-Why can't my parents just love me...," he whispers hopelessly, before sobbing back into his pillow.


Georgie had never smiled so much in his life.

Miles didn't know it, but he actually saved Georgie's life. You see, Georgie was actually planning to take his life earlier.

If Miles hadn't come in and saved him, he'd most likely be dead.

Something about Miles felt so familiar, yet... He couldn't put his finger on it. He never truly had a friend until he came across Miles— not even Player would treat him like this. Deep inside, Captain knew that Player didn't care as much as he cared. But, that didn't stop Captain from his goal— being Player's bestie.

"Hiya, bestie!" Captain exclaims as he spawns into the lobby. Player sighs and mumbles, "Hey, Cap."

"Why are you lookin' so down, bestie? Is something wrong?"

Player sighs. "Well... I haven't seen Veteran for days, and I'm starting to really miss him..."

"Oh! Oh... Well, I know that I'd never be able to replace him, but... Would it make you feel a bit better if you spend some time with me? Maybe get your mind off things?"

Player smiles and whispers, "I'd love that, Captain... Thank you."


A/n: I wonder how Tommy's gonna react...

Find out next time!

Flare, out!

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