Character Bio/Information on Y/N (Updated)

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First Name: Y/N.
Last Name: Solo.
Nicknames: Little Starfighter, kiddo etc.

Born: 14 ABY. Y/N's age: Age: 20.

(A/N: For those who don't know BBY stands for Before the Battle of Yavin. And ABY stands for After the Battle of Yavin.)

Homeworld: Chandrila

Personality Traits: Light hearted, slightly hot-headed, loyal, slightly protective over his loved one etc.

Skill Set: Pilot, Machanic etc.

(A/N: Those are only some traits you have.)


Solo family.
Skywalker Family.
Jedi Order.
New Republic.

Jedi Rank: Padawan.
Resistance Rank: Captain.

(A/N: Both of these ranks will change by the end.)

Y/N's outfit:

(A/N: That's right your wearing Han Solo's jacket and you can choose the rest of what you wear

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(A/N: That's right your wearing Han Solo's jacket and you can choose the rest of what you wear.)


Lightsaber Owner: Y/N Solo.
Lightsaber Colour: Blue
Lightsaber Form: Form Five.

(A/N: Though you will get a new one later on

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(A/N: Though you will get a new one later on.)

Blaster: Dual Wield DL-44's

Blaster: Dual Wield DL-44's

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