Chapter 2: The Mission

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(34 ABY. Y/N's age: 20)

(Planet: D'Qar) 

Y/N's P.O.V

So four years ago I left the destroyed temple of my uncle Luke's Jedi academy.

Once I found my parents Han Solo and Leia Organa, when I found them I asked about Ben they and they told me something I never thought I'd hear.

They told me that Ben had turned to the darkside and helped in destroying the Jedi temple.

When I heard this my heart sank, at first I thought that maybe they were lying, but then I looked at mum and I could tell that it was true by the look on her face.

I guess Ben was more like Darth Vader than I thought.

I also found out that uncle Luke was alive and went into hiding somewhere he couldn't be found.

The first few days after I came home mum and dad were arguing alot, this resulted in dad leaving with uncle Chewie to go back to a life of smuggling.

Dad told me he was doing this as he and mum needed to find ways to coup with what happened with Ben.

Before dad left he gave me his blue jacket that I always liked, I get why he needed to leave but it doesn't mean I liked it.

After all of that I went to join the Resistance to help my mum in destroying the First Order.

I made my way through the ranks, I'm now currently a Captain the youngest Captain in the Resistance. I've also been doing a small amount of Jedi training with my mum, but not as much as I used to.

One day I'm gonna help destroy the First Order and hopefully save my brother for the darkside.

I'm currently at the Resistance base on D'Qar working on my personal X-Wing with BD-7.

Y/N: Hey BD can you grab that wrench for me?

BD-7: (Happily Beeps.)

BD then goes to grab the wrench from my tool box and comes back holding it in his foot.

I then take it from him.

Y/N: Thanks buddy.

I finish up my work on the X-Wing and as I'm getting ready to come out from underneath it I hear a voice calling my name.

???: Hey, Y/N, you out here?

I pull myself out from under the X-Wing.

Y/N: Yeah I'm over here.

I see my best friend or at least my closest friend within the Resistance Poe Dameron.

Poe: Hey man, I've been looking for you everywhere.

Y/N: Why, what's up?

Poe: It's your mum she has a mission for us.

I stand up and BD-7 climbs up my leg and gets on my shoulder, which is his favourite place to sit.

Y/N: Okay. Let's go talk to her.

We through the Resistance base see Resistance soldiers and techs doing their respective jobs.

He and I then go inside the main building.

Before we go and talk to mum I see R2-D2 sat in the corner and I go over to him.

When I reach him I run my hand over his dome-shaped head.

Y/N: Come on R2, please wake up. I really need you now, buddy.

Poe: Hey Y/N, come on let's go.

I nod in response and stand up to catch up to Poe.

We then made out way into the main command center and saw my mum talking to Lieutenant Connix.

Y/N: Hey, mum.

She turns around to see Poe and I standing there.

Leia: Ah, Commander Dameron, Captain Solo you're here.

Poe: Yes General sorry we're late. So what's this mission?

Leia: Ah, yes. The mission. As you both know we've been working on find my bother Luke and after a year we have a lead.

Y/N: What is it?

Mum looks at the holo projection table.

Leia: An old friend of Luke's, Lor San Tekka has the final section of the map that will show us where Luke is. So I need you boys to go to Jakku and get the map fragment from him.

Y/N: Okay, mum we'll go and get it. But why are we trying to find uncle Luke so badly? Wherever he is, he obviously doesn't want to be found.

Mum shakes her head.

Leia: You know why we need him, Y/N. You know why more anybody. Plus you need a real Jedi teacher to finish your training.

Y/N: Yeah, I know.

Mum puts her hand on my cheek.

Leia: Good now go and please be careful. I can't lose you, sweetie. You're all I've got left.

I lean into her touch and smile.

Y/N: Yes, General. Come on, Poe let's go.

I head out of the room.

Poe's P.O.V

Before I could leave to catch up to Y/N the General stops.

Leia: Poe. Please look out for my son. As you know he has a tenancy to not look before he leaps, he gets that from his father.

Poe: Don't worry General, I've got his back.

Leia: Thank you. Now go and good luck.

I nod to her before heading for the exit.

Y/N's P.O.V

I'm outside with Poe prepping our X-Wing's to head to Jakku.

Poe: Alright, you ready for this buddy.

I look at Poe and smile.

Y/N: Always. Let's do this.

I look and see BD as he gets pick up and put into the droid compartment on the X-Wing.

(A/N: Now I'm not sure if the X-Wing's have a droid compartment that fits BD-7's droid model. But for the sake of this story let's just say there is.)

I jump into the cockpit and look at Poe and give him a thumbs up. He does the same as the cockpit door closes.

Poe and I take off and fly off the planet and jump into lightspeed.

All I can think is that I hope we get there before the First Order catches wind of what we are doing.

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