Chapter 1: The Fall of The Jedi

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(30 ABY. Y/N's age: 16)

(Planet: Yavin 4)

Y/N's P.O.V

My Jedi Master Kyle Katarn and I were on a mission in the outer rim along with my droid partner BD-7.

Until we get a call from uncle Luke telling us to come back to the Jedi temple.

Once we come out of lightspeed I sense something is wrong and I don't sense my brother Ben Solo's presence and I can't sense my uncle Luke or aunt Mara.

As soon as we land I see the Jedi temple is on fire. I then run off of the ship in hopes of finding my family.

When I get closer I see the bodies of my fellow Jedi laying on the floor, with blaster and lightsaber holes in them.

I run through the area shouting my family member's names.

Y/N: Ben! Uncle Luke! Aunt Mara!

I hear nothing but the fire burning. 

I turn to see my Master running up to me.

Kyle: Y/N, you have to remain calm. Whoever did this could still be around.

I then breath heavily to calm myself down.

Y/N: Yes Master, sorry Master.

He then puts his hand on my shoulder.

Kyle: It's okay, my young Padawan. Just remember be mindful of your surroundings.

I nod in response.

We then quietly make our way through the grounds.

When we rounded the corner and we saw a group of soldiers wearing newer stormtrooper armour.

(A/N: Now I'm not actually sure if the first order stormtroopers where there during this time but you'll find out why they are there by the end of the chapter.)

Y/N: Wait, stormtroopers. How's that possible?

Kyle: I don't know, but they must have done this.

But before we could figure out more I felt a gun being pushed up against my head.

Stormtrooper #1: Don’t move.

Kyle and I put our hands up.

Stormtrooper #2: Sir, we have two more Jedi. Please advice.

Before anything could happen, my Master took out his lightsaber out and kill the two troopers.

The stormtroopers ahead of us saw what happened and looked our way.

Stormtrooper #3: Open fire.

We run off and taking down any stormtroopers in our way.

Kyle: Come on, we have to get back to the ship.

Y/N: Yes Master.

We then get surrounded by stormtroopers. They fire on us and we defect as many shots.

Once we took them down we started to head back to the ship, when I hear two blaster shots.

I turn around to see my Master with two blast holes in his stomach.

Y/N: Master!!!

I then feel the anger flow through me I throw my lightsaber and it cuts them down and I bring it back to me with the force.

I then run over to Kyle who is laying on the ground.

Y/N: Master! Master! I'm sorry, please don't leave me! 

Kyle: It's okay. I'll always be with you, my young Padawan. Just remember as long as you connected to the force, the force will always be with you.

My Master then died in my arms after handing me his lightsaber. After that I crying into my dead Master's chest.

I then heard more stormtroopers heading my way.

I wipe my eyes and get up.

Y/N: Come on, BD. We have to go.

BD-7 then jumps on my shoulder and I run to the ship get into the pilot's seat and take off.

All I could wonder is where can I go?

I then realise I need to find my parents and tell them everything that happened.

I push some buttons and head into lightspeed to find my parents, maybe they've heard from uncle Luke, aunt Mara or Ben.

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