Chapter 10: The Skywalker Saber

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Y/N's P.O.V

After walking down a dirt path we make it to the outskirts of Maz's Castle.

Han: If you want to get this droid to the Resistance we need to get you guys on a clean ship.

Rey: Clean?

Han: Do you think that it was luck that Chewie and I found the Falcon? If we can find the Falcon on our scans then the First Order can't be far behind.

Han: And if you want a clean ship Maz Kanda is our best bet.

Finn: Can we trust her Solo?

Han: Relax kid, Maz has being running this watering hole for a thousand years.

Y/N: Oh, and we should warn you that Maz can be a bit an acquired taste so you guys better let dad and I do the talking.

We reach the entrance and dad and I turn around.

Y/N: Oh, and whatever you do. Don't stare.

Rey & Finn: At what?

Dad and I look at each other.

Y/N & Han: Any of it.

We turn to face the door and it opens and when we walk in we see all different species of aliens drinking, converting with each other. I then look off into the distance and see Maz.

Maz turns to see us.

Maz: Han Solo!

Everyone in the place goes silent and look at us.

Han: (Whispers) Oh boy. Hey Maz!

She then comes over to us.

Maz: Where's my boyfriend?

Dad looks at us before replying.

Han: Chewie's working on the Falcon.

Maz: I like that Wookie.

Maz then looks at me.

Maz: And Y/N Solo, as I live and breathe.

Y/N: Hi Maz.

Maz takes my hand and I kneel down to her level.

Maz: It's good to see you again my young friend. I remember the first time I saw you. You were this adorable, excited little boy. Now look at you. You're a man now.

Maz: And BD-7, its good to see you too.

BD-7: (Happily beeps.)

I smile at her words.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess I grew up.

Maz then look to dad.

Maz: I assume you need something. Desperately. Come on, let's talk.

Maz walks off and we follow.

After a few minutes of walking around I see Rey getting harassed by someone, who I assumed to be her boss from Jakku.

I go over to help her.

???: You are coming back to Jakku now!

I grab his shoulder and put my hand in his face to use a Jedi mind trick.

Y/N: Rey will not be going back to Jakku with you.

He repeates what I say.

???: "Rey will not be going back to Jakku with me."

Y/N: You should take your ship and head back to Jakku.

???: "I should take my ship and head back to Jakku."

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