Chapter 11: The First Order Arrives

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Y/N's P.O.V

After running for a few minutes I finally find Rey leaning up against a rock out of breathe.

Y/N: Rey.

Rey: What are doing here? You have to go back. I need to leave.

Y/N: Rey, stop don't leave.

Rey: I have to Y/N.

Y/N: No you don't.

Rey: Yes I do!

She then walks off.

Y/N: Look, I get it alright. You're scared, believe I understand that better than anybody. I was scared too at first. Scared of the force and what I could do.

Rey turns to looks at me and then comes closer to me.

Rey: (Softly) You do?

Y/N: Yeah, I do. When I was telling you about the force, did I tell you about the time I first used it?

She shakes her head and moves even closer.

Y/N: I was seven years and I was asleep in my room one night, my parents where in their room. I was having a nightmare where I was being chased by Darth Vader, I used to have alot of nightmares about him as a kid. Anyway, I was screaming in my sleep and my parents came into the room. They were trying to wake me up, then out of nowhere I used the force to push my dad into the wall.

I breathe heavily before continuing.

Y/N: When I finally woke up I was in my mother's arms and she was running hand through my hair. I turned to see my dad on the ground. When I asked my mum what I did she said I had used the force for the first time. I was excited and scared as I didn't know if the force was gonna take control of me and make me hurt people, or something like that.

Y/N: But, what I'm trying to say is. That I can help you. I can't train because I didn't finish my own training, but I can show you the basics and help you with control. All you have to do is stay. Please.

Rey's P.O.V

After hearing another of Y/N's stories I realise that I couldn't leave because of how much I needed him with me no matter what. I then practically jump into his arms and bury my face into his neck.

Rey: Okay, I'll stay.

I feel him hug me a little tighter.

Y/N: Thank you Rey.

Y/N's P.O.V

In this moment when I had Rey in my arms I realised two things. The first thing was that she was the presence I felt when I went to Jakku for the first time.

The second thing was that I love this woman in my arms, and that I didn't ever want to let her go.

Rey's P.O.V

I pull my face from the comfy place that was Y/N's neck. I look in to his gorgeous eyes and realise that I love this man and I just want to stay in his arms for as long as possible.

Y/N then moves a small part of my hair behind my ear.

I want to kiss him so badly right now.

He and I both lean forward and kiss. I feel him kiss me back and move his hands to my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. 

We pull away as we both realise we need to breathe.

Y/N: I'm sorry, I shouldn't of done that.

Rey: Don't be. That was amazing.

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