Chapter 14: Brother Vs. Brother

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Y/N's P.O.V

Rey and I run through the snowy forest to find a way to either get off the planet or to find Finn and Chewie.

Y/N: Come on, we gotta keep going.

I then hear a lightsabter activate and I immediately knew who it was I didn't even need to sense it.

Rey and I walk up a little further to see Ben, Kylo Ren standing there with his lightsaber out ready to fight.

Kylo Ren: We're not done yet.

Just looking at him makes my angry rise up and through my body.

Y/N: I'm gonna kill you.

Kylo Ren: No you won't. You don't have what it takes to kill me kid.

Rey: You're a monster.

Kylo looks at Rey

Kylo Ren: It's just us now. Han Solo can't save you this time girl.

He then looks at me again.

Kylo Ren: Neither can your little boyfriend.

Kylo then smacks the area where he was shot and I see some blood come out.

Rey then pulls her gun to try and shoot him but he uses the force to send her into the air.

Rey screams out.

She then hitting a tree.

Y/N: Rey!

She falls down and hits the snowy ground. I run over to her without hesitation.

I bend down and hold her in my arms shaking her to wake her up.

Y/N: Rey. Come on, Rey. Please wake up, come on. Rey, please. No, no, no.

Kylo Ren: You know you could have joined me Y/N. But no you didn't do that did you? You didn't do that because you nothing but a (Yells) Traitor!

I lift my head up and I feel the angry and honestly I feel the darkside rise up in me. I've felt it a few times before now, but this was one of those times when it was at it strongest.

I stand up and pull my lightsaber out and activate it.

Y/N: I'm gonna kill you for what you’ve done.

Kylo Ren: Oh, is that right. Last I checked that isn't the Jedi way.

I stare him down.

Y/N: I'm no Jedi, not anymore.

I run straight at him at slash at him with a fury. He immediately goes on the offensive pushing me back. As we clash sabers I notice that the gun shot wound is affecting him more than he's letting on.

I use this by getting up close and punching him in the side weakling his defenses. But he quickly gains the upper hand by backing me up against a tree and pushing part of his crossguard into my shoulder.

Y/N: Ahhhh!

I headbutt him to knock him back and I run and jump at him to knock his defenses, this gives me the opportunity to land a hit on his shoulder.

I then slice at his leg which makes him fall to the floor. I back up to make sure he can't do the same.

Y/N: What's the matter Benny? You can't keep up?

Kylo Ren: I protected you when we were kids, now I'm gonna kick your little ass.

Y/N: Give it your best shot.

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