Chapter 5: Meeting The Scavenger

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Y/N's P.O.V

After walking for what seems like years, Finn and I finally spot an outpost in the distance.

Once we make it to the outpost, we both look around for any water source as we hadn't drunk anything for hours.

After losing Finn for a minute I turn around to see him sticking his head a disgusting batch of water.

Y/N: Oh, come on, Finn. That water is disgusting. You're gonna puke your guts up.

Finn: I don't care, I need a drink. I'm dying here, man.

When Finn finished drinking I hear what seems to be a woman struggling.

I turn around to see a group of male scavenger's trying rob a girl.

I run over there to try and help her.

Y/N: Hey, back off!

But when I get closer she's already taken them down.

The girl is a badass, I've gotta give her that.

I get a closer look I see that she has BD-7 and BB-8 with her.

BD-7 notices me and the girl looks up at me too.

And as soon as I see her I knew she had to have be the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.

Rey's P.O.V

After fighting off the scavengers I see BD-7 notice something.

I look up and see a guy standing there he must have been BD-7 friend.

When I see him I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

He's really handsome.

And when I see him smile at BD I could have sworn my heart melted a little. 

He must have that affect on many women.

Y/N's P.O.V

BD-7: (Happily beeps.)

I see BD running towards me.

I then start moving forward too and, get down to his level.

Y/N: BD! Hey buddy, it's so good to see you!

BB-8 knocks my leg a little.

Y/N: Its good to see you too, BB-8.

I then kneel down to BB-8.

Y/N: BB-8. Listen, Poe isn't with me but don't worry he's okay and, he said he'll find a way to catch up to us.

BB-8: (Sadly beeps.)

I then stand up and the girl comes towards me.

???: Hi, you must be BD's friend he's been going on about.

Y/N: Yeah. He and I have been friends for a long time.

???: Right well he's been very helpful for me.

Y/N: Well I'm glad and thanks for looking after these two. I really appreciate it.

The girl looks down as if she was embarrassed. She then looked up with slightly red cheeks.

???: Of course. It was no problem.

I see her looking at my jacket.

???: Are you with the Resistance?

I then realise that she's looking at the Resistance symbol on my jacket.

Y/N: Oh yeah, I am, I'm a captain.

She looks at me and smiles.

???: I've never met a Resistance fighter before.

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