Chapter 15: Going To Ahch-To

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(Two days later)

Leia's P.O.V

It's been two days since we destroyed Starkiller base, it's been two days since Han died, it's been two days since Y/N fell into his coma.

The only good right now is that R2-D2 woke up and helped us find Luke's location, so that means there's still hope.

Rey plans on going to Ahch-To to find him, but she won't leave until Y/N wakes up. She doesn't know it but I can feel how strong her feelings are towards him, and I can feel that he feels the same about her, even whilst he's sleeping.

I'm currently sitting by his bedside with BD-7 and I'm holding his blue jacket that was originally Han's.

I then see Rey walk into the room.

Rey: Hi, General, do you mind if I come in?

Leia: Of course not sweetheart, come in, and please call me Leia.

Rey nodded nervously and comes to sit in the chair acorss from me, BD-7 then jumps in her lap like Y/N he obviously likes Rey.

Rey: So, how is he?

Leia: He's still out, but he's okay.

I look down at the jacket in my hands.

Leia: You know this jacket is very special to him. I still remember the first time I saw him wearing it, I remember it like it was yesterday.

Rey: What happened?

Leia: Well, when he was six years old Han and I had gone out for the night and left him with a sitter. And once we came back and let the sitter go we heard a noise come from our bedroom. So we walk in and see the wardrobe door was open, then we see Y/N come out from behind it wearing this jacket.

Rey smiled at this.

Leia: And he looked so adorable, and that made it impossible to punish him for being up past his bedtime. The jacket was way too big for him and covered his whole body and the sleeves dragged across the floor and hung off his arms. And it didn't surprise us in the slightest as he was always stealing he's father's clothes.

Rey: (Smiling) So, he was a cute troublemaker from the start?

I smile at this.

Leia: Yes, yes he was. He gets that from his father.

We hear some moaning and turn to see Y/N opening his eyes.

Rey: Speak of the devil.

Y/N: (Whispers) Were you guys talking about me?

Rey and I smile and nod.

Y/N: Good to know.

We then see Y/N look down and spot his robotic left hand.

Y/N: So this really happened? Part of me was hoping it was a dream.

Leia: So, how are you feeling sweetie?

Y/N: Well, I'm pretty good for a guy who got his hand cut off.

Rey: Even though you've just come out of a coma you're still able to wise crack.

Y/N: What can I say? It's a blessing and a curse.

(The Next Day)

Y/N's P.O.V

After getting back on my feet, Rey and I decide it's time to go and get uncle Luke for Ahch-To.

After saying goodbye to everyone, mum, Rey and I are standing outside the Falcon along with BD-7 and BB-8.

Rey and I say goodbye to her and walk off, but we hear mum call to us.

Leia: Y/N, Rey. May the force be with you.

We both nod to her.

Y/N: May the force be with you mum.

BD-7: (Happily beeps.)

Mum smiles at us. We then turn to walk onto the Falcon.

We head up to the cockpit where we see Chewie sitting in the copilot seat. I get into the pilot seat and Rey sits behind me.

As we're starting up the Falcon I feel Rey's hand on my shoulder.

Rey: Hey, you ready?

I smile.

Y/N: Yeah, I am.

As I face forward I feel Rey kiss me on the cheek.

Rey: Good.

Chewie and I fly the Falcon up and out of D'Qar's atmosphere and into space.

Chewie and I then look at each other and nod.

Y/N: Okay Chewie. Punch it.

We then take off into lightspeed in hopes of finding uncle Luke on Ahch-To.

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