Chapter 3: Lor San Tekka

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(Planet: Jakku)

Y/N's P.O.V

After coming out of lightspeed Poe and I find ourselves above the planet of Jakku.

Poe: Alright, this is Jakku.

Y/N: Gotta say even though I've met Lor San Tekka before and I've never been here before. It's not what I expected.

Poe: In my experience that's usually the case.

We they flew down to the planet and as we entered the planet's atmosphere I sensed a presence.

A presence I've never felt before, but it felt familiar. I just can't figure out why.

Poe and I land our X-Wing's outside of Tekka's village. We get out of our cockpits and we enter the village.

Two of the villager's come over to us.

Villager #1: Who are you? And why are you here?

Y/N: I'm Captain Y/N Solo and this is Commader Poe Dameron. We're here to see Lor San Tekka.

We then hear a voice I haven't heard in years.

???: Ah young Y/N Solo.

Poe and I turn to see Lor San Tekka entering the village.

Y/N: Lor San Tekka, it's good to see you again.

He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

Lor San Tekka: It's good to see you too, my boy.

After separating he looks at me.

Lor San Tekka: Look at how much you've grown. The last time I saw you, you were just above my waist and now look at you. And you're looking more like your father, but you have your mother's eyes.

I smile.

Y/N: Well eight years will do that.

Tekka's smile then fades.

Lor San Tekka: I was sorry to hear about your Master's death. Kyle Katarn was a good man.

I smile thinking about my Master fondly.

Y/N: Thank you, Lor.

Poe then tells Tekka about why we were on Jakku and that we need to find uncle Luke so we need the map fragment.

Takku then takes us into his hut so we could talk in private.

After some time talking I notice BB-8 and BD-7 go off. I get a bad feeling so I decide to follow them.

Once I find the two droid's I see them staring off into the distance.

Y/N: Hey you two, what are you doing...

I then sense a presence. A presence I haven't sensed in a long time.

I know exactly who it was and, I hadn't seen him in a long time.

Y/N: Come on we have to warn Poe and Lor.

I start running back to the village with the two droid's on my tail.

Once I make it back to Lor's hut the two look at me.

Y/N: (Panting) The First Order is coming, we need to go.

Poe: Well, it looks like we've got company.

We head back outside and Poe looks through his binoculars.

Poe: You have to hide. I count four First Order transports incoming.

Lor San Tekka: You both have to leave. Go.

Poe and I start running through the village trying to get back to our X-Wing's.

Poe: Come on, BB-8. We've gotta move.

Once we make inside our X-Wing's we start getting shot at.

BD-7: (Beeps.)

Y/N: Yeah buddy, I seen 'em.

I then activate the gun underneath my X-Wing and start blasting the stormtroopers.

Poe and I realise that our ships are disabled.

So we jump out and regroup next to Poe's X-Wing. Poe and I then decide we have to help so he gives the map fragment to BB-8.

Poe: Here, you take this it's safer with you than either of us. And you get far away from here okay?

Y/N: BD, you go too, okay?

BD-7: (Beeps.)

Y/N: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. You just help BB-8 get outta of here.

BD-7 looks down sadly but agrees.

Y/N: We'll come back for you two. It'll be fine, now go.

BD-7 and BB-8 go off together. Poe and I turn and head back into the village.

We start blasting down stormtroopers.

After a few minutes I see another ship come down and I know who's on board that ship.

I then see a hooded figure leave the ship. That's when I see my brother, Ben Solo now Kylo Ren.

He goes over to Lor San Tekka and they both start talking.

Ren then strikes down Tekka.

Y/N: No!!

I jump out and fire my blaster at Kylo, but he blocks the shots with his hand. He quciky uses the force to pull the blaster out of my hand.

Ren then uses the force and freezes me in place.

(A/N: Just a little call back to the Empire Strikes Back there I couldn't help myself, especially as its my favourite star wars movie.)

Two troopers come over and subdue me and I see two more go and grab Poe. They then put us on our knees infront of Ren.

After a moment of silence, Poe then talks.

Poe: So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first? or does he talk first?

Kylo Ren: The old man gave it to one of you.

Y/N: You know I gotta say it's really hard to understand you, with apparatus and all.

Kylo Ren: Search them.

The stormtroopers search us but find nothing. Ren then decides to take us to his star destroyer to question us.

He also decides to kill the remaining villager's.

Now Poe and I are sitting on one of the transport ships heading up to the Star Destroyer.

Whilst sitting there all I could think about was that presence I sensed when we got to Jakku.

Who was this person? And are they strong in the force?

Those are the two questions going through my head right now.

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