Chapter 8: It's All True

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Y/N's P.O.V

After dealing with the hyperdrive problems Rey, BD-7 and I walk in to see dad and Finn talking.

Han: So, fugitives huh?

Y/N: The First Order wants the map.

Rey: And I'm just a scavenger.

Han: Let's see what you got.

Y/N: Go ahead BB-8 show him.

BB-8 then looks at Rey.

Rey: Go on, it's okay.

BB-8 then goes to the middle of the room and project's the map throughout the room.

Han: This map's not complete.

Y/N: Yeah I know, it's just a piece of it. Mum sent me to get it from Lor San Tekka. That's why I was on Jakku in the first place.

Dad and I started walkng through the projection looking at the map.

Han: Ever since Luke disappeared people have been looking for him.

Rey: Why'd he leave.

Y/N: Well, he was training a new generation of Jedi. But an Apprentice of his turned to the darkside and destroyed it all.

Han: And Luke felt responsible so he walked away from it all.

Finn: Do you know what happened to him?

Han: Alot of rumours. Some say he went in search of the very first Jedi temple.

Rey then stands from the chair.

Rey: The Jedi were real.

Han: I used to wonder about that myself. I thought it was just bullshit, a force hold the universe together the darkside and the light. But the crazy part is. It's true. All of it.

Dad then points at me.

Han: And my son knows it better than anyone.

Rey and Finn look at me.

Finn: What's he talking about?

Y/N: Dad why'd you say that?

Han: Because if they're coming with us they deserve to know.

Rey: Know what?

I breathed in and out heavily before answering.

Y/N: The reason I know so much about the Jedi is because I was one.

I then pull out my lightsaber and ignite it.

My blue blade lights up the room even more. I then deactivate it.

Rey: But Han, you're not a Jedi so how is that possible?

Han: He gets it from his mother and uncle.

Y/N: Because my mother is Leia Organa. Or if you go by her birth name, Leia Skywalker. The twin sister of Luke Skywalker.

Finn: So that makes Luke Skywalker is your uncle

I nod in response

Finn: So, you were there when the Jedi fell?

Y/N: Well, yeah sort of.

Rey: What do you mean?

Y/N: I was on a mission with my Master, Kyle Katarn and we got a message from uncle Luke saying we needed to get back to the Jedi temple. And when we got there the place was on fire, all my friends and fellow Jedi were dead.

Rey: What about your Master?

Y/N: Well as we were trying to escape two stormtroopers shot him down and killed him. I couldn't save him. Just like I couldn't save...

BD-7: (Beeps sadly.)

I then start to feel the tears come out a bit.

Rey's P.O.V

After hearing what Y/N tell us the story of what happened to his Master and fellow Jedi, seeing him break down a bit broke my heart a little. From the little time I have spent with him I can already tell he's a kind and caring person who didn't deserve to go through that. Then again no-one does.

And this whole time I can't help but feel connected to him. So I go over and hug him. He then hugs me back.

Rey: Hey, it's okay. You don't have to say anymore.

He nods his head.

After a moment of silence we hear a beeping sound.

Y/N and I let go and I can see a slight tint of red on Y/N's face. It made me wonder if he feels the same way about me as I do about him.

Chewbacca: (Growls.)

Han: No, you rest. You want my help? You're getting it. We're gonna see an old friend she'll help get your droid home. This is our stop.

(Planet: Takodana)

Y/N's P.O.V

Other than Chewie the rest of us went up to the cockpit dad and I jumped in the front and saw we were above the planet Takodana.

This was weird from me as I hadn't been to this planet since I was thirteen. I came here with Ben, uncle Luke and Kyle Katarn.

That feels like a million years ago now.

Rey: I didn't know there was this much green in the entire galaxy.

Dad and I looked back at her with sad looks, but she didn't seem to notice.

As soon as we leaded Rey was like a little kid. As she and BD-7 ran to the door and ran out as soon as it opened.

Rey: Y/N come on! Let's go! You have to see this!

Y/N: (Laughing) Okay, I'm coming Rey.

I've gotta say even though I've been to this planet before, I was excited as Rey's excitement was contagious. And not to mention cute.

So I then ran out after her.

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