How it happened

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I awoke in a dark, dark place. My whole body covered in sweat. I notice my breathing begins to accelerate.

Questions begin to flood my mind as I try my best to remember how I got in this situation.

Where am I? Who am I? Why can't I remember anything? Where was I before this?

I try to touch anything around me to see if I'm in enclosed area. Just as I begin to move the room does as well with a loud ringing. I stumble to the ground and hit my head against a wall. I try to get back up, but I don't make it far when the room moves again. The force pushes me towards the ground.

"HELPPPPPP ME!" I shout, scared out of my mind. "PLEASE SOMEONE!"

I curl into a ball trying to escape this nightmare. Seconds feel like hours until finally, the room comes to a stop. The loud echoing sound stops as well, calming me down quite a bit, but not to the point where I'm not scared.

The ceiling begins to move, allowing a spark of blinding light to shine through the cracks. It looks to be a caged door above me. My eyes try their best to adjust to the light, and just as they do I hear voices. I open my eyes and gasp as I stare up at about 30 or so teenage boys looking down at me. Not a girl in sight. I stumble backwards, afraid of who they are and what they might do to me.

"It's a girl." A boy with a strong British accent speaks. A loud gasp is heard among the group.

I hear a wave of voices overlapping one another.

" A girl? "
We've never gotten a girl? "
"She's pretty. "
"What the shuck? "
"I call dibs. "
"You can't call dibs Ben!"
"Greenies hot!"

A boy jumps down. He's tall and skinny with beautiful blonde hair. "Hello there green bean ," he kneels down to me, giving me a friendly smile which seems absurd considering the situation.

"Hey no fair, why does Newt get first dibs," a voice calls from above. The rest of the boys start to argue as well after the one spoke out.

"Slim it," the blonde boy with the British accent says from in front of me. "Sorry about them green bean. Here let me help you up." He extends a hand to help me up.

I try to scoot away from him. Not because he looks mean, but because  I still cant remember anything. Who I am, where I was before I awoke, where I am now. My breathing accelerates again uncontrollably.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I question the blonde boy before me. "Why can't I remember anything?!"

"Don't worry this is all normal," he begins to tell me, " you'll remember your name shortly. It's the one thing they let you keep." His words don't really comfort me, and I notice the boy never taking his brown eyes off me.

"How the hell is any of this normal?" I raise my voice a bit angry that I'm not getting any helpful answers from the boy.

"Sassy much, I like her," a different boy speaks up.

"Minho's got competition fro sass queen now." Another laughs.

The blonde boy isn't able to respond because a boy speaks up before he can.

"Shut your shuck faces." A voice scolds the rest. "Who have we got here, Newt?" The owner to the voice suddenly comes into my eye view and I'm met with a dark skinned boy who jumps down with us. "A girl?" He offers his hand to help me up, I accept it. " welcome to the glade. I'm Alby the one in charge here," he tells me. "We'll help you get situated."

The blonde boy he called Newt stands up beside him. Alby begins to move towards the rope on the side of the room, returning to the place he came from.

A million questions run through my mind, but I decide to keep quiet so they can tell me more and get me out of this horrible room.

I look up at all the puzzled faces of the teenage boys. Their eyes all glued to me as if they'd never seen something like this. I fold my arms across my chest, suddenly uncomfortable from all the attention.

"Quit staring shanks you're making her uncomfortable!" Alby scolds the teens.

"After you," The boy Alby called Newt, signals to me to go up the rope next. I take him up on the offer and follow the boy named Alby. And once I reach the top, I find myself in a bright green area surrounded by great big walls.

I look around and before I realize it, my body falls to the ground, and darkness overtakes me yet again.

I know the beginning is very basic, but stay with me. It'll be cringe at times but throughout the books you'll see that I stop that 🙄

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