Newest Addition

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My eyes fluttered opening slowly to find a sleeping Newt holding me tightly. I smile at him. His dirty blonde hair was messy and his eyes remain shut. Newt's breathing is steady meaning he is still asleep. He looks so peaceful. I found myself bringing my fingers to his face, tracing his features. I came to his eyebrows gently tracing over them when Newt spoke up in a deep morning voice.

"What are you doing?" He questions, his eyes still closed.

"Sorry," I whisper, removing my hand.

"It felt nice," Newt buried his head into my neck, giving little kisses up and down. It makes me giggle.

"Good morning," I finally say. I've been wanting to wake up like this since the second I laid my eyes on him.

"Good morning love," Newt lays his head back on his pillow facing me.

We just lay there staring at one another for a while, admiring each other until I prop up on one elbow to look down at Newt. He studies my face, not speaking as I bring my lips down to his. I hold my h/c hair back making sure not to let it disturb this moment. I give Newt a small kiss. A few seconds later I pull back. Newt frowns playfully and I giggle climbing over him to get ready for the day. Just as i made it over him and am about to get off the bed, Newt holds onto my wrist.

"Where are you going?" His raspy voice asks in his super sexy British accent.

"It's greenie day," I call back to him.

Newt loosens his grip on me. I go to the chest to pull out my clothes. I stand there staring at him as he rubs his eyes. Once he sees me standing there he gives me a tired look. I clear my throat. Hoping Newt takes the hint to get out so I can dress. Instead he rolls over facing the wall.

"I won't look," he pulls the blanket over his head. I roll my eyes and turn around. I start to finish up sliding on my blue tshirt over my Jean shorts when Newt lets out a soft chuckle.

"You weren't supposed to look," I scold him as I turn back watching as he sits up. His dirty blonde hair is messy.

"Sorry sorry," Newt grins stupidly, not really meaning his words. He's so adorable.


At around noon the greenie alarm sounds and we all trot to the box, awaiting the newest arrival. When the noise stops, Newt and Gally open the caged doors. I look down to see a boy who looks about 16-17 with dark brown hair and eyes. He's really handsome, but not as handsome as Newt, obviously.

Gally jumps in his face inches from the boy's. I can hear Gally tell the greenie the same thing he told me my first day.

"Day one greenie, rise and shine." Gally lifts the boy up by his shirt and he is pulled out of the box against his will . He takes a quick glance at the surroundings boys then runs past the herd.

"We've got a runner," Zart calls. The rest laugh.

We all watch as he sprints across the glade. Damn he's fast. Just then, the boy stumbles on his own feet falling onto the ground. The boys all laugh as I roll my eyes. Once Alby gets to the greenie he takes him to the slammer to avoid letting him run away.

"Get back to work shanks," our leader calls and we all do as he says.

Newt and I walk side by side, making our way back to the gardens silently.

"Do you think he'll be different?" I suddenly ask, not looking at Newt.

Newt's POV:

"I'm not sure love," I tell YN, looking at her before taking her hand in mine. She intertwines our fingers together finally looking at me. She gives me a small smile. I return the same gesture.

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