Is it too soon?

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After spending about a week in the medjacks, getting checked up daily, I can finally get out and work. My injury wasn't too bad, it's just Jeff and Clint wanted to make sure the skin wouldn't rip on my leg if I stretched too much. But it turns out I'll be fine. The giant scar will eventually heal.

So I finally get to tryout the rest of the jobs after deciding Slicer was a big no no. The others weren't too bad either. Building with Gally was a bit hard. Seeing so much blood made me nauseous so medjack was out of the picture. Runner wasn't really an option, nor would I have wanted to do it. Last, I tried track hoe with Newt and found out I loved it. And as a bonus, I got to spend everyday with Newt.

"I'm glad you liked the gardens greenie," Newt says from beside me, carefully pulling tomatoes. He squints due to the blinding light of the sun which I find adorable. His toned arms are fully visible due to the fact that he took his sweater because of the heat. His veins pop out of his skin in an incredibly attractive way and I found myself lost in thought, studying Newt's features.

"Me too," I finally answer, smiling to try and hide my blush. Afterwards, we didn't make much conversation. Newt had to help me here and there and our hands would occasionally touch, causing me to apologize like crazy and I cringed at myself for being so obvious to the fact he made me nervous.

Not long after, The lunch bell rings and everyone starts to make their way to the dining area. I rise to my feet and brush the dirt off my light blue Jean shorts. Newt begins to walk off, then notices I'm not following quite yet so he turns back for me.

"You coming love?" Newt questions, holding his cream colored hoodie in his right arm.

My stomach does flips as I head the word roll off his beautiful lips. Love. Of course it was just b cause of his accent, but I couldn't help but love it when he called me that. If only he knew what that word did to me.

Newt and I started becoming really good friends the past days, but I couldn't help but wonder if there could be something more. Every time I see him, I get this feeling inside of me, and I think I might like him as more than a friend. Unfortunately though, it seems Newt enjoys just the friendship we have going on so I don't push it. After all, I've only been here for a few days, almost two weeks, we don't really even know each other all that well. It would be ridiculous to say I was in love with him because love is a big difference than like.

"YN?" Newt calls once more.

I shake my head lightly realizing I never answered. "Yeah sorry," I walk right next to him, our shoulders brushing past each other every so often.

I stare at the way Newt walks, and notice he had a limp, preferring one leg over the other. That's odd I thought. I had never noticed it before. I'm not sure if I should ask about it so I just jot down a mental note to do it later.


That evening we were supposed to have the bonfire that was meant to happen last week, but due to my injury Alby postponed it. I had spent several days in bed because Newt was afraid I'd injure myself further if I wouldn't let the cut heal. Newt gave me company when he wasn't working and we got really close.

I'm not going to lie, I might have even started to catch feelings for the blonde boy. Who wouldn't? I was the only female in a group of dozens of boys. I was bound to like someone. There could be a chance that Newt liked me back, who knows, but I didn't want to humiliate myself and ruin the friendship if he didn't feel the same way.

Is it too soon? I asked myself? Is it too soon to catch feelings and want more with a boy? I don't remember love, obviously, but I did know what I get for Newt was something far stronger than a friendship.

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