Something about Newt

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I woke up to the sun blinding me through the small opening on the wall that resembled a window. I rub the sleep off my eyes sitting up, forgetting where I was. Oh yeah, I'm in 'the glade' as they call it. I look around the room and notice the blonde boy is no longer on the mat on the floor. Just as I wonder where he's gone off to, there's a light knock on the door.

"Green- er I mean YN, it's me, Newt," the accented voice speaks softly. "Are you awake yet?"

"You can come in," I say clearing my throat. A second after I say that Newt opens the door, smiling at me.

"Ready to start the day?" He crosses his arms.

"Not really," I bring my swing my legs to the edge of the bed and to the ground to put on my shoes.

"You'll learn to love it greenie." Newt gives me one last grin before closing the door behind him and leaving me to get dressed and ready.


After Newt and I ate breakfast, he started explaining to me how there's certain jobs and how I have to try them out to see which fits. Throughout the entire chat, I keep quiet, just listening to his calming voice speak. Newt looks me right in the eye almost every second as he talks which makes me shy and causes me to turn away from time to time. Newt was sweet. Besides him, I didn't really get to talk to the other boys. I caught the others staring a few times and I will admit it did make me a little bit uncomfortable. At one point it caused Newt to completely stop his entire explanation.

"You still with me greenie?" Newt moves his head low to try and meet my gaze, just as I caught one of the gladers staring at my ass.

"Yeah," I lie, facing Newt. "I'm fine. You were saying?"

Newt straightens out his back and follows to the direction I was just facing. "You know," Newt tucks his hands in his front pockets. "If any of these bloody Slintheads do anything that makes you uncomfortable you can tell me or Alby."

"I know," I assure the Brit before me. "It's okay they're just being boys."

"Alright," Newt's brown eyes meet mine once again. "Well we best get to the blood house. Won't want to keep Winston waiting."

"Mhm," I hum, following Newt as he leads me to the blood house. Once there, he quickly gives me a heads up about the job and leaves me with the Keeper.

I nod in agreement when Newt's done explaining and he finally leaves me with a boy named Winston who's the keeper of the Slicers. Just by the name of the job, my stomachs starts to feel uneasy, but I don't want to complain. Because then the boys will think I'm a good for nothing girl. I might as well try and help around the glade while I'm here.

I stand in the small building in the woods that Newt called the bloodhouse. The smell of blood reeks the air, and I already start to feel nauseous. Animal pens are built right outside of the wooden hut.

Winston starts to explain to me the basics, and I fight the urge to throw up as he starts to demonstrate how to slice the dead animal correctly.

I notice that the Gladers have a giant machine that cuts the meat up nicely, and I start to wonder where all of these machines and electricity comes from. (If you haven't read the books, it mentions that the gladers have electricity in the kitchens and other areas so I decided to add it)

Just as I'm thinking of all this I become distracted from what I'm slicing and my arm knocks a knife nearby to the floor. The blade slides down my exposed thigh and all the way to my ankle.

"Damn it," I scream looking down at the enormous cut, blood oozing out of it.

"What the shuck greenie," Winston comes to my section and once he sees my leg his eyes go wide. "Oh no, Jake quick take her to the Medjacks!" Winston tells the boy named Jake who entered the room.

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