What If I told you...

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Don't ask me how Minho and I survived the night in the maze, cause I don't know myself. For the most part, we ran together away from all the clicking sounds avoiding the grievers. At times we'd try and stop and hide behind the ivy that hangs on the maze's walls, but staying in one spot was too risky, so running was the better option.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until my a blinding light disrupted my slumber. My eyes fluttered open and I was met with the blinding rays of the rising sun. It was morning. I had done what no other glader had ever done. I had survived a night in the maze. But where's Minho? I quickly jolt up from my seating position, where my back was resting on the wall. A weight falls off my shoulders, literally.

"Ow!" A voice complains after I hear a thud on the ground.

I look beside me and spot the keeper of the runners, trying to get his tired body off the concrete floor.

"Could've at least given me a warning," Minho sassily remarks.

"Minho!" I sit on my knees and attack my friend with a hug. "We survived." I whisper into his shoulder. The stench of sweat and dirt fills my nose and I quickly pull away with a disgusted look. I scrunch up my nose. "You stink."

Minho chuckles. "I could say the same about you shuckface." I take a look at myself and realize I too am covered in sweat and dirt. "Here," Minho stands up with a groan, putting out his hand to help me up. I accept his help and dust myself off after I stand up.

"We should go check if Alby's okay," I suggest.

"Good that," Minho stretched his leg before jogging at a small pace down the hall. I take in one last deep breath and follow him.

Newt's POV:

I didn't want to get up that morning because it meant facing the fact that more people I cared for, wouldn't be here. But I had to, I was second in command with Alby in the maze's walls. I didn't want to replace him. There was no way I'd be as good as leader as him. I had to try though. The gladers would fall apart without one. I needed to do the job I was given.

When I walked out of the hut, the doors were still closed. I want to have hope that they'd make it back, but no one ever survives a night in the maze. Either way I wipe my dried up tears from last night and make my way to the wall's entrance. The other boys following close behind, also curious for their fellow gladers.

One more minute, I look down at my watch. Then with a rumble, they open. My eyes scan the wall in hope of finding any sign of Minho, Alby, and YN.

Nothing. My eyes threaten to spill out more tears,  but I fight them back.

"Alright shanks, we got to keep moving forward," i turn to face them, "get to work."

Everyone's heads dip low and there's a silence for yet more of our fallen friends.

"No way!" Someone interrupts the silence, and quickly I jerk my head up to see two figures carrying a third by the shoulders. I can't believe it! They made it! They survived! A giant smile of relief covers my face as I watch my friends walk back in the glade.

As soon as they reach us they pass Alby off to Clint and Jeff. I grab YN in a hug as she falls to her knees on the grass. "I thought I lost you," I say into her hair.

"I came back though," she buries her head in my shoulder. "You shanks can't get rid of me that easily."


After all three of them got some rest, there was a gathering to decide what should happen.

"Alright settle down," I wave my arms in the air as the designated leader due to Alby's absence. He wasn't stung which was good, but the medjacks said he needed some

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