The Doors

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Alby was really starting to scare me. The serum calmed him down, but he started remembering things, and they were awful, terrible things. Memories that made you hate your past. I couldn't bare much more of it. I couldn't imagine what he was going through. It almost made me glad I couldn't remember. He seemed scared once he finally woke up.

All hell was breaking loose. I thought to myself.

First Alby gets stung in broad daylight, then Thomas kills a griever, then another girl girl shows up, supposedly being 'the last one ever.' Things could not get any worse.

Newt, Minho, Thomas and I were about to leave the medjacks hut when we stepped foot outside, we saw the gladers running around.

"What the bloody hell's going on?" Newt demands as he stops one of the running boys, curious as to what's happening that we don't know of.

"It's the doors." The boy pants.

I inhaled. Please don't tell me..

"They're not closing," the boy finishes after taking a long pause to catch his breath.

I look at Newt who's face held the same expression as mine. Worry.

"I need you to gather as much weapons as you can," Newt orders to the boy who delivered the news, Nick I believe his name was. "Tommy you know what to do. Go send out some orders to the other boys. Make sure everyone gets to the homestead when their done." Thomas nods and starts to run to the opposite side of the glade.

"What should I do?" I take my boyfriends arm, letting him know that I'll do whatever he needs me to do.

"You stay in the homestead," Newt points at me.

"No way," I argue, "I'm staying with you. I need to help."

"I want you safe," Newt holds me by my arms, his gaze digging into my e/c eyes. "Zart take her to the homestead. Make sure she stays there."

"Newt no," I try to fight back as Zart takes my arm. I'm not going to lie I'm a little annoyed that Newt won't let me do anything. I feel useless just sitting around like I'm a good for nothing.

"I need to make sure nothing happens to you," Newt tells me, "I'll be back in a bit."

"Newt!" I yell as Zart drags me away.


All the gladers were huddled together in the homestead. The greivers terrifying clicking noises were heard from outside. Those awful sounds that haunted me everyday.

We had boarded up the windows and doorways for protection.

Newt holds up his finger to remind everyone to keep silent. I dug my face into Newts shoulder. His arms held me.

All of a sudden, a metal arm shot into the hut, trying to get into our hideout.

Some of the gladers scream out in fear, since none of them have ever seen a griever and don't know what the treacherous beast outside looks like. Everyone scurries up into a standing position trying to run in the furthest direction away from the danger.

As leader, Newt stays behind, hurrying to get the gladers out of the room and to safety first. Minho, Thomas, Chuck, Alby, and I all wait for him.

"Go go MOVE!!!!" Newt shouts to the boys, trying to save them. "KEEP RUNNING!"

All of a sudden, the grievers metal arm breaks through the homestead's ceiling. I shriek in terror as the monster reaches for its next victim.

"ALBY!" I try to rush forward for him. An arm pulls me back. I stand there unmoving as I watch Thomas step forth to be the hero again. That shank is going to get himself killed.

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