What Now?

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Everything in the Glade seemed to be going fine at this point. Everything except that we haven't found a way out yet, obviously.

I walk back to mine and Newt's room. I had just finished my lunch, so I still had time to relax for a while before having to go back to work. I had barely seen Newt all day, due to the fact that Alby had him doing what he called 'Second in command duties.' However, I decided to pay him a visit. I open the door to our room to find Newt sitting on the desk, doing something with paper.

"Hi Newt," I call, walking over to where he is seated.

Once Newt sees me, he hurries to bunch up the papers as if he didn't want me to see them. Newt manages to pile the pieces of paper and he shoves them under a folder. Once I reach him, I stand behind him with my arms over his head, hugging him. "What're you doing?" I kiss his cheek.

"Nothing love, you?" Newt turns to face me, pecking my lips.

"It doesn't look like your doing nothing," I push, grinning from ear to ear just at the sight of him.

Newt takes my hand and guides me to sit on his lap on the small wooden chair. "It's nothing for you to worry about." He grins at me.

"Newt both our weight is going to break the chair," I try to get up, but Newts grip on my torso is too shucking strong. Damn you'd think a skinny boy like him wouldn't have that much strength.

"You calling me heavy now? Aren't ya?" Newt raises one eyebrow at me. A big smirk plastered on his face.

"No," I wrap my arms around his neck once more. "I just don't want to break anything."

We sit like this for a while and I find myself smiling stupidly as I admire the blonde boy in front of me. Shuck he was perfect. "Hey blondie?" I question as I play with the ends of his hair.

"Hm?" Newt hums, informing me that he's listening.

"Rumor has it you sing," I smirk, wanting to know if it was just another one of Minho's lies or the truth.

Newt blushes, but attempts to hide it with a chuckle. "Who told you that?"

"Minho," I kiss his cheek again, simply enjoying the moment.

"And you believe that bloody shank?" Newt raises an eyebrow at me. His face is still a light shade of pink, allowing me to believe that Minho might be right.

"I think it's cute," I grin.

"Forget about it." Newt shakes his head, looking out the open door, trying to avoid eye contact with me. "He's messing with you."

I want to push further, but I don't, noticing that my boyfriend is just being his usual shy self. There's a moment of silence until Newt decides to speak up, changing the subject.

"You look beautiful today my love." He compliments.

I look down at my outfit. I'm wearing blue jean shorts with a sage colored T-shirt. My hair is in a low bun. "So I didn't look beautiful yesterday?" I act offended.

"You know what I mean." Newt gave me a playfully annoyed look. "Stop being so difficult," he kisses my cheek again.

"Stop being so cheesy," I stare into his chocolate colored eyes.

Our lips were barely brushing over one another. I could feel his hot breath on mine. Newt pushes forward, closing the gap between our lips. Moments like this made you forget that we were in a middle of a never ending labyrinth with no escape. It gave me hope and happiness to have something so beautiful considering the terrible situation we lived in.

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