Bonfire Nights

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The bonfire started right before sunset. It was the seventh one I had attended, meaning I had been here for 7 months. And still we had not found a way out of this shucking place.

I brought my attention back to Gally as him and the greenie were about to fight in the circle.

"Come on greenie," Gally teased trying to piss off the new boy. "Want to show me what your made of."

"Don't call me that," the Greenie says, clearly annoyed at the keeper of the builders.

"What should I call you then, shank?" Gally smirks as he continues to pick on the newbie. Laughter arose and I felt kind of bad for yet another boy who was gonna get beaten by Gally. To this day, I still refused to start a fight because they were simply pointless to me.

"This is not going to end well," Newt whispers from beside me.

I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest, "never does."

"Bet you he cries," Minho calls from my right side.

"I bet he won't," I say extending the word won't and tapping Minho's shoulder with mine. Minho never liked to join the fight circle either. Maybe it was because he was afraid to wreck his reputation, or simply that he didn't care for fights like me.

Just as the greenie was putting up a good fight, Gally shoved him and he hit his head pretty hard. For a second he stopped slowly getting up.

"Thomas." He whispers, " I remember my name. I'm Thomas!" He shouts excited to get back his name.

Everyone smiled but didn't say a word, then Alby pointed at the boy and shouted, "THOMAS!"

Everyone cheered around him. I laughed then went to get one of Gally's drinks. I look around and spotted Minho so I went to chat with him since Newt and Thomas looked busy, as they chatted with their backs leaning on a log.

"Hey Min," I stood with Minho taking big gulp of the brown liquid.

"Look who finally came to talk to me. Aw did Greenie steal your boyfriend?" Minho jokes sticking out his bottom lip, giving me a teasing sad face.

I playfully pulled his ear, "slim it slinthead."

Minho made let out an overly dramatic 'ouch.' I rolled my eyes.

"Newt is so cute," I say a little drunk.

"The cutest," Minho tried to mimic my voice. I elbowed him, knowing Minho was only into girls. "I'm kidding," he paused for a moment looking at his best friend. "Good looking and he can sing," Minho randomly says, then shoves some apple slices in his mouth.

"Wait what did you say Minho?" I turn to face him.

"Oh he hasn't told you?" I give him a confused look. "Yeah I caught him singing in the deadheads one night. He's got a talent. Too bad he's too shy to share it."

"I'll have to ask him about it later," I tell Minho.

After i had about 2 more drinks with Minho I decided to find Newt. He was still talking with the Greenie when I reached him. I wobbled a little on the way over. Once there, I reached for Newt's hand to pull him to his feet.

"Dance with me Newtie ." I tug on his hand, easily pulling his skinny figure up.

"Oh no no no no no," Newt protests as Thomas laughed, "you know I don't dance love."

"Just try it," I plead, continuing to pull him further into the middle beside the fire. A few of the other boys were playing some sort of homemade drums, giving us some music. When we got to a good spot, I place his hands on my waist and then put mine on his shoulders. "Like this." I show him, dancing slowly so that he can catch up.

"I'm awful," Newt tells me, looking down at his feet.

I laugh at how awkward he is, "you'll get the hang of it."

After a few minutes of that, I try to switch it up, so I took his hands in mine instead. Newt attempts to twirl me. He succeeds and I smile at him. At this moment it was just us two. Nothing else mattered. I look back at his dark brown irises. They're filled with love and happiness. Newt looks at me like I'm the most beautiful thing in the world. I bring his hand close to my face and kiss the back of it, causing Newt to blush.

"I have an idea," Newt smirks then went to dip me. I yelp at the sudden movement and guess what. That dumb shank accidentally dropped me."I'm so sorry love!" Newt continuously apologizes, kneeling down to me as I lay there on the floor dying of laughter.

"You were right," I take his hand and Newt pulls me up, "you aren't the best dancer." He chuckles.

"Let's get out of here," Newt motions to the homestead. I nod eager to get some alone time. I take his hand in mine. Newt practically drags me, sneaking us both back to our room.

We rush through the darkness, giggling like children. Newt pushes open the door, quickly bringing me into the privacy of our shared hut.

As soon as I turn around, Newt's soft lips push against mine. Immediately I kiss back, getting lost in his mouth. I loved the familiar feeling of his lips on mine. This time however, Newt's kisses were fast and full of lust. Newt's hands find my hair and he carefully pulls the ponytail holder out, so that my hair falls loose. Newt pushes me against the wooden door, then brings his hands lower to hold me up. Leaving them on my ass for support. I wrap my legs around his waist and giggle as he clumsy makes his way to the bed in the corner. I leave small open mouthed kisses on his jawline and trail them to his neck. Newt carefully sat me down to pull off his shoes which I had forgotten I still had on. I do the same then sat there until he was done, admiring how beautiful he looked in the darkness of the room. His perfect blonde haired flowing as he moves. Once he's done, Newt finally looks up at me with a smile and goes back to kissing me.

"You're so beautiful love," he whispers to me.

With that I wrap my arms back around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Newt pushes me onto my back, crawling on top of me, showering me with fast and eager kisses. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance into my mouth. I let him and immediately his tongue finds his way into my mouth. Newt pulls back for a few seconds to rip off his T-shirt. He throws it to the floor then meets my lips again. Slowly his mouth went down from my lips, to my cheeks, jaw, then eventually my neck. Already missing the feeling of his mouth on mine, I tug gently on his hair, causing him to groan a bit in pleasure I assume.

"Newt." I gasp silently as Newt finds a sensitive spot on my neck so he stops there and sucks on it, hard, wanting to get the same reaction from me. I can feel him smirking into my neck when I take in another breath.

I trace my fingers along his back. From this angle I had a perfect view of his back and stomach. Newt wasn't bulky. He was skinny but he had quite the strength. He leaned half his body weight on me, and the other on the side of the bed.

After a few seconds, Newt met my eyes once more. I smile at him before giving him one more kiss.

"I love you Newt," I told him.

Newt returns the gesture, "I love you more." And with that he laid back down beside me. His strong arms wrapping around my frame, holding me tight as if he'd let go, I wouldn't be there anymore. I put my head on his bare chest, letting sleep overtake me.


I added some things that will add up in the end of the third book, get ready.

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