Dancing In The Dark

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The week had been uneventful especially after Ben's banishment. The glade didn't feel the same. Things were changing. Alby was supposed to retrace Bens steps later on, but he put it off for the moment.


We were all focused on our work that evening, when I felt a droplet on my face. I touch the spot on my face to assure myself that it wasn't just my imagination.

"Newt! Newt!" I call turning to find him. Newt stands with a hoe in his hand.

"Yeah love?" He stops and leans against his tool.

"It's raining!" I look up at the cloudy sky. The first time I remember seeing it like this.

"That's odd. It never really rains here," Newt holds out his hand to feel the water. He didn't believe it until it hit his palm. Once it did, he smiled.

All the gladers then ran to the homesteads to see what Alby would say, but as we all got there it started pouring harder making it impossible to continue work.

"It's really coming down out there," Newt stood beside me looking at the glade covered in water for the first time since I arrived.

"Wow," is all I could say. I had never seen rain before, well maybe I had but obviously I don't remember. I grin, and the next thing I know I'm running out to the center feeling the warm droplets soaking me entirely.

-play the song during this part, if you want

"Come on Newt," I start to turn with my arms out feeling so free at this moment.

"Your crazy love," Newt said as he reached me. He laid his hands on my wet face his brown eyes digging into mine. I lean into him our foreheads touching and I kiss him. Newt kisses me back, and then I pull away. I start to dance even though I'm terrible. Newt chuckles then joins me. I giggle and do the first thing that comes to my childish mind; I throw mud at him.

"No you don't," Newt drops to do the same and at the same time we throw mud at one another laughing.

"Don't you dare!" I shout back.

I start to back away as soon as he tries to attack me again but end up slipping and falling backwards. Newt loses his balance as he comes towards me attempting to stop but instead almost collapses on top of me. He's able to stop himself by placing his arms at my sides. I burst out in laughter.

"We've got to stop falling for one another like this," he laughs before giving me a quick peck on the lips. Newt then helps me to my feet.

Chaos and fear ruled our lives, so in that moment, we took the time to appreciate the happiness we made in the maze.

Minho's POV:

I watch as my best friends have the time of their lives because of some rain.

"They're one weird couple," Thomas smiles from beside me.

"You don't say," I laugh watching as YN and Newt throw mud at each other.

They're so in love and it makes me so happy to see them like this. Newt needed this. After the accident, he was broken Inside and out.

That is until YN came. Newt's happier than ever now. She fixed the broken boy no one else could. She helped him see the good in living, and I was forever grateful to have her and Newt still here with me. If I were going to be stuck in a maze with anyone, I was glad that it had been those two.

"Can't let them have all the fun," Thomas calls running out with them. I shake my head grinning stupidly, before joining them.

The rest of the gladers seem to want in on the fun and in the matter of seconds, everyone is out in the rain dancing and having mud wars like little children.


"Whooooh!" I shout throwing my arms in the air.

Newt comes and raises his arms out to join mine. "I love you, YN," he says before crashing his lips onto mine. My hands find his soggy, blonde hair. I run my fingers through it. Newt's hands fall to my waist.

The kiss goes on for a while longer until Minho, Chuck, and Thomas all gang up against us, covering us in mud. Newt and I pull away our jaws on the ground. The boys in front of us are dying of laughter at their own joke.

"Should we get 'em love?" Newt smirks raising his eyebrow at me.

"Definitely," we both grab as much mud as you can and chase my best friends through the glade.


This is a filler chapter and I thought it would be nice before all the chaos happens! Hope you liked it!

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