Things Are Changing

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I'm standing in a city at night. Thomas stands in front of me, a surprised expression filling his eyes.

"Where have you been?" I say my voice cracking. My face is tear stained.

"What do you mean?" Thomas knit his eyebrows.

"You think you can walk in and out on us like we're some sort of train station!" I yell.

"I'm still on your guys' side YN," he calmly states. "I'm here."


"Wait, wha-," Thomas's looks confused then realization fills him. "Newt? YN WHAT HAPPENED?"


I get a sudden flashback. I see Newt laying on the ground lifeless. Black blood comes from his mouth. A knife in his chest. No, not him.

"I-," tears start to form in Thomas' eyes, "no. No it can't be."

"You should've been there," my voice comes out in an almost whisper. "But you weren't."

-end of dream-

"No!" I shout jerking up in the small bed, panting. My face is covered in sweat.

"YN, love what's wrong?" Newt sits up.

"It felt so real," I cry covering my face with my hands.

"It was just a dream. You're okay love," Newt hugs me tightly. I continue to sob into his chest, wanting the horrible image to go away. Newts hands caress my h/c hair. He keeps repeating. "It's alright, it's okay, I'm here, you're safe."

We sit like this in silence for a while.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Newt asks softly.

I shake my head, "it was awful."

"It won't happen I promise."

I tried to fall asleep that night, but couldn't. I was afraid I'd have those awful dreams again.


The next morning we all eagerly went straight to the unopened maze doors. The entire glade was hoping that our friends would be alright.

I stood beside Newt who was talking to Chuck. The poor 12/13 year old boy was so nervous to see if his newest friend, Thomas, would still be alive.

Suddenly the doors slowly opened to reveal, nothing.

"I told you Chuck they're not coming back," the blonde Brit told the little boy. He turns to go back to the glade. Along the way he grabs hold of my hand. I sigh in defeat. No. It can't be. Just as I'm about to let Newt drag me away I hear someone.

"No way," I heard Zart say from behind.


Relief flooded over us as they slowly made their way towards us. Alby looked unconscious just like did yesterday. Thomas and Minho had him with his arms over their shoulders. When they reached the glade, they handed Alby off to take him to the medjacks, and then both of them kneeled down. They were obviously exhausted. When Minho and I survived the night, it was never ending running with the fear that stopping could get us killed.

"You bloody shanks scared us!" Newt scolded his two friends.They didn't bother to reply because they were both still panting heavily.

"Min!!!" I embrace my best friend. "You dumb slinthead you scared me!" I move to hug Thomas as well.

"Did you see a greiver?" Chuck asked curiously.

"Yeah I saw one," Thomas said.

"He didn't just see one," Minho added, "he killed one." Everyone was silent in amazement.


There was a gathering held to discuss the events that happened last night. I got to attend because Alby thought my input would be helpful since I was the only girl. I stood leaning against a pole, Newt right beside me, leading the gathering.

"For years we have coexisted with these creatures and now the greenie takes it upon himself to kill one. This shank," he points at Thomas, "needs to be punished." Gally confidently says.

"Minho you were there what do you suggest?" Newt ignores Gally's unbelievable offer.

"While I ran away like a coward, this one stayed back to help Alby," Minho placed his hands on his hips. "I don't know if he's brave or stupid. But whatever it is. We need more of it. I say we make him a runner."

Everyone started shouting protests.

"Enough!" Newt shouted, "slim it you bloody shanks."

A few murmurs were heard from the other keepers.

"A runner?!" Gally scoffed. "Are you saying we shouldn't punish him. He broke the rules."

Newt looks irritated but manages to cover it up with his regular resting face. He raises his head to meet my gaze and I nod quietly, letting him know that we have to keep order in the glade.

"You're right." Newt spoke up, looking back at Thomas, "Thomas did break the rules. One night in the pit and no food."

"Come one Newt one night in the pit," Gally speaks, "you think that's gonna get him to stop running in the maze."

"No," Newt says, "and we can't just have non runners going into the maze whenever they feel like it." I straightened out my back, ready to hear what else Newt had to say. "So starting tomorrow, your a runner."

"Look if you want to throw the greenie a parade that's fine, I'm out." Gally turned to leave.

"Thanks Newt." Thomas says as soon as the keeper of the builders leaves. The rest of the boys piling out as well. Newt looks at the ground, probably questioning if he made the correct choice.

"You did good," I grab Newt's right arm, attempting to lighten his mood.

"Thanks love," It works and Newt looks at me with a tiny grin.

All of a sudden the greenie alarm sounds, sending an ear piercing screech throughout the glade. Newt stares at Thomas and then me in the eyes before rushing out of the hut with my hand in his to the box.

"I thought it wasn't supposed to come up for another month," Thomas calls.

"That's what we all thought," Newt tells him as we reach the box. Gally helps him open the cage doors and Newt jumps in.

"Newt what do you see?" A few of the boys call as we all crowd around the mysterious arrival.

"It's another girl." Newt's says in a confused tone meeting my eyes.

I look down and sure enough, there's a girl with pale skin, and black hair laying on the floor. Her eyes closed and not a sign of movement or life.

"I think she's dead." Newt studies her.

"What's in her hand?" Another voice questions.

Newt leans down to take a piece of paper from the girls hand, bringing closer to read it. "She's the last one ever." Newt turns his gaze up to us. "What the hell does that mean?" His eyebrows furrow.

Suddenly the girls eyes open. She gasps for air. "Thomas!" She yells then falls back to the ground. Everyone's eyes turn to Thomas. He looks just as confused as us.

I forgot to mention that I can't respond to you guys' comments and it makes me so sad 😭. Wattpad won't let me change my email. I really wanna reply some of y'all are too funny.

Also, I don't like Teresa no offense but we have to add her to continue the story. 🙄 sorry if you like her I can't stand her.

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