Just You And Me

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That night, Newt and I sneaked back to the glade apart. We didn't want to tell anyone yet, we just wanted something for ourselves for once. Who know how the boys would react, especially Alby. He's the one who said no one could touch or do anything to me, but as long as no one knew, it didn't hurt. Right?

So after dinner, when everyone else went to bed, and I made my way to my room, I caught Newts eye and motioned for him to follow me. He did making sure no one saw. "Follow me," I snuck to my hut, Newt training behind me.

"Won't we get in trouble?" He questioned, whispering.

"Not As long as you don't get caught," I whispered, opening the door to my room. I took his arm and pulled him in. Locking the door behind him. Newt stood looking around at everything. I smiled making my way towards him. He grinned back. I hugged him from under the shoulders.

"Are you alright?" He jokes.

I nodded, "I've wanted this for so long," I say. Newt's hands cup my cheeks, his lips slowly making their way to mine.

"Me too," he kisses me passionately. My hands find his hair as he pushes me back towards the bed. I giggle as he trips causing us to fall back onto my bed. We kiss like this for a while, like normal teenage kids, enjoying finally being able to be together. That was until it got late.

"I should go back to my hammock before the others get suspicious," Newt crawls off the bed to find his shoes. I frown playfully not wanting him to go.

"We'll tell them soon," I sit up, watching him put on his shoes.

"Goodnight love," Newt whispers before walking out of my room.

"Goodnight Newt," I lay back down smiling to myself.


The next day I awoke to a slight knocking on the door. I hummed in response. "Love it's me," a British voice called. "It's time to get up."

"Come in," I groan, sitting up on my bed, rubbing the sleep off my eyes.

Newt opens the door. He's wearing a cream colored shirt, brown pants, and his usual metal necklace. Even though I saw him wear such simple outfits every day, he still looked amazing.

"Good morning," I pat the spot beside me, motioning for him to sit next to me. Newt did. I yawn.

"Good morning love," He chuckles, brushing my messy hair with his fingers. I smile, suddenly embarrassed by my bed hair.

I lean my head on his chest looking down. "I don't wanna get up," I whine.

Newt laughs, pushing my shoulders back to make me look at him. "Come on, first day being my girlfriend and your already tired of it." I chuckle.

Newt leans in placing his forehead on mine. His fingers trace my jawline, bringing his lips close to my own, barely brushing them. Then, he stands up a smirk on his face, leaving me wanting more.

"Newt why did you.,,"

"That's all you get until you get up," he smiles proud of himself for teasing me like that.

"You didn't have to tease me," I jokingly throw my pillow at him.


Later that day as I'm working at the gardens alongside Newt, I catch him staring at me.

"What are you looking at shank?" I joke placing a tomato in the basket between us.

Newt shakes his head then looks at the ground smirking, "you, who else?"

I nudge him with my shoulder, "stop you're distracting me." I tell him. Newt looks over at me and kisses me, I kiss him back not caring that everyone can see us.

"Come on guys, I just want to work," Zart, the keeper of the track hoes pleads from in front of us. Newt and I pull apart. Later, I mouth.


That evening Newt and I walked hand in hand to dinner, earning us quite a few stares and whistles. Alby on the other hand wasn't too happy about his second in command being with the only girl glader. He thought Newt would get distracted, and forget about his duties. Newt promised he wouldn't though.

Other than that, I'd say this relationship was going well. I was finally so happy to be able to be with Newt and life in the glade seemed less boring.

The weeks passed by and I found myself a lot happier now that I was with Newt.


A/n- This chapter was so bad I just really wanted to update and not keep you guys waiting, ahh I'm so sorry,

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