No Broken Hearts

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The following morning I'm awoken by the sound of the breakfast bell. I rub my temples, wishing I could sleep longer, but I've barely done anything the past week so I decide to get up.

I pull out some of the clothes the creators sent, and choose a an oversized white T-shirt and a pair of loose jeans. Then I slip on my shoes. I don't even remember getting back to my room last night, I think to myself as I grab the doorknob. To be completely honest, i don't remember much of last night after the truth or dare game started. I pull the door to my hut open and Newt falls from his seating position into the room.

"Newt?" I knit my eyebrows while offering my hand at the exact same time. Newt quickly takes it and gets on his feet. "What were you doing out here?" I curiously ask.

"Well," he rubs the back of his neck, "you had quite a lot to drink last night so I had to make sure you'd be okay." He confesses, which I find sweet, but then a feeling of embarrassment fills me.

"Was I that drunk?" I mentally face palm myself, quite embarrassed. What if I said something I shouldn't have or that changes the way everyone sees me. Shuck it!

Newt laughs at my reaction, "don't worry nothing bad happened," he states, reading my mind. "I made sure. I took care of ya."

"Oh," I blush at his choice of words, not really knowing what he meant by that.

"No, no!" Newt's eyes widen as he realizes what he said. "I meant I made sure you went to bed, well ah that sounds bloody worse." Newt shakes his head just as his face turns a tint of red.

I chuckle at how Newt struggles to explain last night's events. "Newt it's fine. I know what you meant." I assure the blonde Brit.  "Thank you," I say feeling grateful that Newt didn't let me humiliate myself in front of the gladers.


"You were quite out of it last night, YN," Minho laughs as I set my plate down on the picnic table.

"Be quiet," I simply respond, sitting next to Newt. "Don't you have a maze to run?"

"Can't get rid of me that easily, Alby's giving us all the day off so no one gets sick or hurt," Minho scoffs playfully. "Good that," I say digging into my eggs and bacon.

Newt's POV:

YN quickly finished her breakfast to start the day. Minho and I usually stay longer since both of us are pretty slow eaters and we've got the rest of the day off so what else are we supposed to do?

Not long after I find myself standing at the watch tower with my best friend. Looking down I can see YN attempting to help out some of the other boys. She laughs as she picks up a large piece of wood with no problem. Minho must've caught me staring because he leans himself on the railing beside me, nudging my shoulder with his.

"She's quite the girl huh?" Minho smirks looking down at the only girl glader.

"Hm?" I hum, knitting my eyebrows, trying to act clueless as to where Minho's going with that.

"Don't 'hmm' me." Minho rolls his eyes. "I see you've grown a soft spot for YN."

"Impossible," I try to hide my blush with a light laugh. "I barely know her."

"So what?" Minho urges, "I barely know her and I know she's hot."

"There's a difference between hot and liking Minho." I shake my head.

That's what's different about our friendship. Opposites attract. Minho is confident and badass. I'm laid back, awkward, and a softie. It's stuff like that that changes the way you act around a person. Of course I love Minho. Not in that way obviously. He's my best friend, the one who's been here since the beginning, but the relationship, or friendship, I had with YN was something else. It was the butterflies I felt in my stomach when she was next to me. Or how my palms would sweat because of the nervousness. Or maybe even the way she lightened up the room once she walked in. Stuff like that that made me feel a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I didn't want to feel. There were bigger things to worry about instead of girls and relationships. For shuck's sake we were trapped in the middle of a giant maze with no escape.

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