You're Mine

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-few weeks later-

"So the new greenie comes tomorrow," Chuck says from in front of us. He was the greenie who came up last month. Chuck was the youngest of us all. He looked 12/13 and he had curly brown hair.

"Yep," I shove a forkful of eggs into my mouth.

"Do you hope it's a girl?" Chuck asks.

"I mean I'd like it to be," I start Before Minho cuts me off, "so you don't like us," he jokes putting his hand up to his chest to act hurt. "Ouch," I laugh shoving him playfully from beside me. Minho has become one of my closest friends in the glade, and I was forever grateful for him.

"Good morning love," Newt comes and sits beside us, placing his plate on the table and kissing my cheek. Minho gags from beside us.

"What no good morning to us?" Minho asks.

"Good morning your majesty," Newt sarcastically tells him, rolling his eyes.

"You guys are idiots," I say standing up, about to start the day.

"But you love us," Minho calls out as I walk towards the kitchen.

"Here Fry," I place the plate in the kitchen sink before making my way to the gardens. I loved the gardens. It might've been the same thing everyday, but I enjoyed it. It distracted me in some sort of way and I enjoyed that.

"Weren't gonna wait for me YN?" A British accent says from behind me. I shake my head, jokingly, smiling slightly. "Is something wrong?" Newt asks kneeling down beside me.

"I'm fine," I tell him tightening my hair that was pulled up in a ponytail.

"Hey lovebirds," Alby marches over towards us in the gardens.

"Hey Alby," Newt and i say in unison, slightly blushing. "What's up?" I ask.

"Well as you know, new greenie tomorrow." Newt and I nod. "And you know the homestead is getting a little.... crowded." Alby pauses. I look over at Newt raising my eyebrows, he chuckles quietly. Alby shifts uncomfortably. "And well you know... the greenie needs a spot so I was wondering if, maybe you two could share YN's hut to save us space? If you're okay with it."

"Yes!" I answer a little too eager, "I uh I mean, yeah if you want."

"Sounds good," Alby scratches the back of his neck. I pull Newt in for a big hug for the hell of it. Pushing him back causing us to fall over. We laugh as I land on top of him. "What did I just do?" Alby shakes his head jokingly before leaving Newt and me on the ground.

"About time he asked" I look down at Newt playing with his hair.

"Geez YN, you're so clingy," I giggle, " won't even leave me to sleep," Newt jokes, softly pecking me on the lips. I can taste the sweat a little but I don't mind. I don't want to get up, but I do, putting my hand out to help Newt from off the ground.

"Seriously, we can never get anything done with you two," a gardener who's name is Nicholas, Nick, shakes his head smiling.

-time skip-

After work I made my way to the showers to get myself cleaned up. Obviously gardening got a lot of dirt and sweat all over me, so every evening, whenever the showers were mostly empty, besides a few runners, I would go shower.

At first, I refused to shower without someone guarding the door for me. Newt would always volunteer and I let hi because I trusted him. But after a while, I got used to living with the boys and I wasn't too scared of what they might do.

I turned the faucet off once I'm finished and reach out for my towel. Shit, I think, of course I forgot it! Now what I can't put on clothes while I'm wet!

I peek my head out of the curtain to see if anyone nearby can help. Immediately I spot Minho. He's got a towel draped over his shoulders about to shower. His whole body covered in sweat and I assume he just made it back from a run in the maze.

"Minho!" I whisper shout to him, clutching the curtain over my naked body.

Minho looks over to me. "What do you need shank, if you haven't noticed I'm exhausted from running the maze." He jokingly scoffs, placing his hand on his hip.

"I need a towel," I tell him. Minho tilts his head back as he laughs. "Shut up and get me one!" I demand quietly. "Don't be a shank and do as I say!"

"Really pushed your luck with the only person who could help you there YN," Minho smirks and I see him look away start to slowly walk away backwards.

"Don't you dare!" Minho backs away faster and runs off to another shower room. "MINHO, GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" I yell. He ignores me. Shitttttt.

Just when I debate whether or not to make a run for it, someone else walks by. I immediately recognize who it is. Relief brushes over me.

"Newt!" I whisper shout his name. "Newt!"

He looks at me then walks over. "Yes love?" He asks

"I forgot a towel, could you get me one?" I ask.

Newt laughs slightly at my situation before just standing there looking at me.

"Ahem," I attempt to clear my throat, "now, Newt, right now!"

"Right sorry," Newt chuckles as he walks out to bring me a towel. I just shake my head at myself.


Newt's POV:

That evening after i waited for YN to come from the showers, I gathered my few clothes to take to our new shared room. As she was helping me bring my clothing to her hut, I watched as her wet H/C hair swayed back and forth as she laughed telling me about her situation earlier with Minho. I laughed at her.

Bloody hell I was so grateful for her. For 2 1/2 bloody years all I wanted was to die. I thought it would be better off than living in this shucked up place with no escape. But ever since YN came up the box, with her E/C eyes, gorgeous face, and beautiful personality, all I wanted now was to be alive. To live with her, and hold her, maybe even escape this place and start a life with her. I love this girl so bloody much.

I reached for the metal capsule that I wore as a necklace. It held something special inside. Something I couldn't mention or give anyone until I knew the time was right.

"Welcome to your new room," YN called as she opened the door to the small hut.

"You mean our room?" I tell her as she takes my stuff and puts it into an empty basket.

"Yes, ours," YN smiles making her way back to me. She stands on her tippy toes to place a small soft kiss on my lips.

"I'm so glad you're mine," I put my hands on her waist. Never looking away from her beautiful eyes.

"I love you," YN grins before embracing me.

It takes me by surprise hearing her actually say those words to me. I had told her when I confessed that I thought I was in love with her. YN hadn't said it back which I didn't expect because I love you means a lot. It takes a lot of courage and truth to say it, and now she had. So I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

"I love you too YN," I say into her hair.



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