We'll Meet Again Soon

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-6 months later-


It's been a few months now since I arrived in the glade. I've gotten used to the life here. I've made some great friends and do my job.

My feelings for Newt have grown everyday. Which doesn't surprise me. He's been so welcoming and supportive of me ever since I got out of the box. I wish I were bold enough to tell him I liked him, but I wasn't. No one knows about my feelings for Newt except me, and I plan to keep it that way because if I do fess up, snd he doesn't like me that way, then that'll ruin the friendships we have. That would make things so much more awkward amongst us and the others, so the best thing to do was to simply stay quiet.

I stand next to the homestead, my hands behind my back. My work was done for the day, so there was nothing really left for me to do. I look at the walls of the maze when I feel like someone looking at me. On instinct, I turn my head and meet Newt's eyes. He immediately looks away, embarrassed or so since I had caught him staring. Our 'relationship' was odd. We say we're friends, yet I'm always catching him across the room. I really liked him, only problem was: I was afraid of confronting him.

Other than that nothings really changed in the glade. Everything around here is still same old same old. Except for the fact that Minho discovered something in the maze. Alby said he wanted to check it out to see if it could somehow lead to the exit to the maze.

"Where's Alby and Minho?" I ask standing beside Newt by the maze doors.

He shrugs, " they should be back by now." Newt plays with his lip which I notice he does when he's nervous.

Minho had found a dead griever, which had apparently never happened before, so Alby went to check it out.


"Hm." Newt hums to let me know he's listening.

I bite my lip, nervously. "What if they don't make it back?" I didn't want to assume the worst could happen, but I couldn't stop worrying. I wanted to have hope and that Minho and Alby would come running out of the maze any second, but it didn't seem possible. The doors were about to close, and they should've been back hours ago.

Newt crosses his arms in front of his chest before  sighing. "They're gonna make it." He says confidently as his chocolate brown eyes meet mine.

I nod once before turning my head back to the corridors of the maze we were trapped in. I wanted to believe Newt, and have hope that the two boys would return, but I had learned that hope was a dangerous thing. And not something you could count on in our world.

The second in command and I stood in silence, awaiting our friends return. By now, the everyone else had wrapped up their work for the day, and the entire glade stood by the entrance of the labyrinth.

I can see Newt look down at his watch various from the corner of my eye.

I start to chew the inside of my cheek, a lot more anxious now that it was getting a close to sunset, indicating that the doors were about to close just like they did every other night.

A few boys have sat down, making little conversation, obviously all concerned for their fellow gladers.

More minutes go by and still no sign of Alby and Minho. Then, all of a sudden, the doors start to rumble, closing the gap slowly. I sick in a deep breath thinking the worst happened and the boys got lost or worse. I'm about to turn away when I spot two silhouettes in the distance, one being carried by another.

"It's them!" I exclaim, pointing to the two figures. The rest of the boys all crowd together, staring at them as Minho helplessly carries Alby closer and closer.

"They're not gonna make it," Newt says in an almost whisper. I turn and see his eyes narrowed as he looks out.

The rest of the boys shout out to them, saying things like:


Minho drops Alby and starts dragging him and slowly making his way to the exit. the walls are almost shut, and I know for a fact they weren't going to make it. After that I don't know what came over me, the doors were inches from being completely shut, it would be suicide to run in.

"I'm sorry," I whisper to Newt, not really thinking, but acting on instinct as I to run into the maze. I felt a hand brush past my elbow as I quickly made it in. The walls press on either sides of my body and I barely make it to the other side. When I do I drop on the floor, panting.

What the hell did I just do?

"What the SHUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU YN!" Minho shouts, panting, "you just killed yourself."

"You don't think I know that shank?!" I shout back, "you guys are my family, I couldn't leave you."

Minho just pants on the ground in front of me.

"What happened to Alby," I kneel down looking at Alby's injured head.

"A griever knocked him out. Almost got to him, but I pulled him away before he could get stung." Minho explains as he sits with his back pressed to the walls of the maze.

I rip off the bottom of my gray shirt and carefully wipe the blood off of Alby's shaved head. Minho continues to try and steady his breath when I hear it. The clicking sound of the monsters that roam these halls. A griever.

"Come on we got to get him to stay hidden," I call grabbing Alby by the arm. He's not stung, according to Minho. The greiver tried to grab him and he hit his head pretty hard, so if we keep him hidden until morning, the griever should t be able to get to him.

I take his shoulders since Minho is still exhausted from the events of today, and he takes his legs, and we both trot down the maze, searching for a hiding spot.

After a few minutes of looking, we found some vines and both of us were able to tie Alby behind them.

Now it was our turn to save ourselves. The clicking sounds echoed down the halls, and Minho and I ran for our lives in the opposite direction, terrified of what was yet to come.

Newt's POV:

"NO!" I shouted as the doors closed, consuming our leader, my best friend, and the girl I was so in love with. I slam my knuckles on the hard walls, tears about to escape my eyes. I wait a minute before deciding to speak.

"Go eat and then go to bed," I quickly said realizing I was in charge, but really I just didn't want the others to see me like this.

No, it can't be. Finally when I was actually happy, the maze took my happiness away. I'm full on sobbing by the doors now. I pick myself up and head straight to YN's room.

The door opened with a small creak. The bed was neatly made, and everything was so organized. More tears fall down my face as I walk to her bed. I think back to the first night YN and I stayed here. She was scared and I was thankful she asked me to stay with her.

Then I remembered the night YN was drunk, and I had to bring her back. She asked me to stay over, but I didn't, and now I regret it because I knew I loved her then, but she'll never know, cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go. "Oh YN," I lay down, her beautiful scent filling my nose, "why you? I need you." I whisper, knowing damn well she's not here with me. I've been in love with her for a few months now, why didn't I say something? Why did she have to be so selfless, and risk her life for others. My tired eyes begin to close and I start to drift off.
"Come back."


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