29: matchbox

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We process to the front of the castle. Between the hairspray, dress, and heels, I'm beyond annoyed. No one will tell me what the occasion is and Crawford and I aren't speaking. He merely walks alongside me as the twists in my stomach add fuel to the festering fire. I wasn't ready to encounter him. I still need more time to process everything.

We step out onto the marble steps and the first thing I do is gawk. There are several horse-drawn carriages lined up along the driveway of the castle. Each delicately coated in pastel with embellished gold trim.

Felix and Alexia board the first one and I watch with pursed lips. Just what is this about? I woke up at 6am for this?!

Crawford gestures me forward and I turn toward him with a scowl. "It's nothing personal but no way."

It's the first words I've said to him since the moment at the guard post. I would've probably reflected a little more on that if he didn't just roll his eyes, "It's not up to me, Alpha."

"Miss?" The little guy holding the door seems very nervous and I wonder if he's going to faint despite the crisp air.

"I think you have the wrong person," I state calmly. He shakes his head and I sense a presence on my left side.

"Scout," Aunt Gabriella's smile is full as ever, but her blue eyes are daunting. They seem to say "Get your ass in there" and I internally gulp. The haunting look sends me back several years and I suddenly feel much smaller. Needless to say, I board the carriage without another verbal complaint. Crawford follows suit and I internally groan. Can this day get worse? There are literally people suffering and dying and we're going for a carriage ride?

It isn't until Mystery shoves me that I realize I've been mumbling to myself. I hope the stressed out doorman isn't also the driver. That could be problematic... maybe I could use it to my advantage?

"Don't get any ideas," Crawford mutters, shifting in his seat. Even the seats themselves are uncomfortable because they force you to sit up straight and poised. It isn't exactly ideal unless your spine is a board of wood.

"What's this even for?" I huff, plucking off my gloves as we begin to move. It's a little chilly today but you'd be surprised how quick you warm up in a five-layered dress.

"It's for the Alpha King and his mate. It's customary for the initiated Alpha to ride around the pack grounds."

I scoff. Who doesn't know his territory more than Felix?

"It's more of a symbolic thing," He adds, probably noticing my reaction.



Wait, how does this guy know more than me about this?


Ugh, get me out of here.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," I grumble for extra measure and he has the audacity to chuckle. At least that's still the same.

Some time passes as we ride along in silence. The morning sun rises over the trees, bringing warmth to the chilly day. The carriages are more spread out now, rolling at a slow pace. I guess it could be a calming experience, but it's not my thing and the tension here is nearly unbearable.

I glance over at Crawford who seems lost in thought looking over the greenery. One might even say he's fine, but his quietness and what I know tells me otherwise. I try to gaze into the trees in the distance too, but it's no use. Every thought keeps bringing me back to the conversation I had with Alexia and I feel like I'm carrying entire buildings on my back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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