The Marauders

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Best Friends with Marauders - Earlier Hogwarts Years - No Trigger Warnings - There is A TON of dialogue so prepare to read whole conversations - Song Mentioned: Brandy By: Looking Glass Word Count: 1262


Feet clamoured down the hall as all the students raced out of their classrooms back to their respective common rooms. Teachers ruffling through papers to mark. Prefects escorting the new students around Hogwarts. 

"Psst!" A quiet sound flew into the hall. Y/N looked at the doorway to the Gryfindor common room in confusion. She turned back to the hallway ahead but before she could take a step on her way toward the library, to return the books she had on hand, her arm was dragged behind the door bringing her along with it. 

"Ah!- What?" She was surprised for a moment before realizing it was simply her friends, James, Peter, Sirius, and Remus. As well as a fellow woman of the friend group, Lily. Always up to no good they were. 

"Did you not get our note?" James asks in confusion. You pull out a piece of crumpled parchment, passing it to him. 

"No, I got it. I couldn't read it though, foul printing." You joke. James fake pouts, always seeing through your jokes as they were. He straightened his shoulders and pretended to read what it had said: 

"Party in the Gryfindor common room. Right after class."

Although he read aloud: 

"Hey, dimwit. Party in the Gryfindor common room. Right after torture- "

He pauses, pretending to narrow his eyes in confusion. 

"Oh no, apologies, it says: Right after class.

Remus rolls his eyes pulling the note from James' hand. 

"Yeah.. It doesn't say that." They room is quiet for a moment before the looks of confusion erupt into choked giggles. 

Within moments we were sat together in varying seats around the common room, laughing and talking about our days. Highlightig funny moments, or bringing up new points. All of which ended in laughter, regardless the occasion the situation took place. 

"Oh, Y/N, you should have seen. James tickled Peter in potions today! He nearly feel off his stool, spilling his mixturn in the process!" Sirius burst in laughter, holding his stomach lovely agony. 

"Oh shush, will you? Entirely James' fault." Peter protested playfully. 

"Was not!" James returned his playful yell of protest. 

"You act like childeren." Lily cut in. 

"Maybe we are." Remus chimes in as well. 

By this time you can't help but be bent over on the ground laughing. 

"What do you say we spice things up?" Sirius says, finally recovering from the laugh attack we had all just sustained. 

"What did you have in mind." Remus says, backing up on his seat in an act of amusing but false fear. 

"Nothing so devilish, Lupin," We often used last names when we decided to play a prank on one another or simply wanted to have a wee tad of fun. 

"I heard of this Muggle game, Truth or Dare." He says, acting as though the revelation was un imaginable. 

"And where did you 'hear of' this Muggle game?" Lily questions suspiciously. 

"Does it matter?" Sirius smiles slyly, which he only did if he were schemeing something. Or he was just smiling like an idiot who had his charm engraved on his face, perhaps. In any case that idea was not thrown out aloud. 

"I'm in." Several of us said in unision, allowing us all a moment to laugh again. 

"Okay so here is how you play.." Sirius explained the game in short, saying each word in his 'story telling' voice. He used that most often when he was being a drama queen. 

"Seems simple enough." James said finally, "Let's play." 

"Okay, okay. Lily, Truth or Dare." Sirius asks. Lily seems to be contemplating her choice on life or death terms, though with such devilish friends perhaps such percautions were necessary. 

"Truth?" She says fianlly, throwing it out as more of a brain stormed idea un observation of pros and cons rather than a definitive answer. 

"How do you learn spells so quickly?" Sirius seems to genuinely curious for someone passing classes. 

"Brains, Black. Brains." She says proudly. Being a Muggle-born she probably found the question strange from a Pure-blood, perhaps. However, if it irritated her, she hid it with pride effortlessly.

"Remus, Truth or Dare." Lily lifts her head in acknowledgement to Remus, sprawled over the couch lazily. 


"I dare you to.." She thinks for a moment, but only a moment before putting on a sly smile. 

"I dare you to," She starts again, "Kiss one of the paintings." 

Remus looks almost disgusted before leaving the room to find a suitable painting. We a dramatic lip smacking sound, some shouts and one reprimanding shout of his last name. He comes back into the room, not embarrassed, but laughing like the devil. He clutches his aching stomach. 

"Who you get a yelling from?" Peter asks, his voice almost scared you, he was creepily good at fading into the shadows. 

Remus burst into laughter again stuffing his face in a sofa cushion, "Filch." The word slips out into erupting laughter around the room from the muffled fabric of the cushion.  

"Oh boy." James leans back in his chair laughing, tears almost coming to his eyes, "Remus ask someone else." 

"Y/N, Truth or Dare." You weigh your options eventually settling on Dare. What could possibly happen? [said right before every battle ending in death]. 


"Sing karaoke to the next song the next song that play off the disc." He jabs a thumb behind him to the record player, humming quietly from the back corner of the room. 

"Right foul singing this will be." You fake groan and stand up, walking over to the record player as to hear it better. 

"Sing, darling, sing!" Sirius says in a singing voice, bringing a hand to his chest and flinging one out. Obviously imitating sterotypical opera. 

The radio began to play a song. Slow and sweet. 

You began to sing softly, slightly embarrrased, "The sailors say, 'Brandy, you're a fine girl. What a good wife you would be. But my life, my lover, my lady, if the sea'." 

"Yeah, Brandy used to watch his eyes when he told his sailors story. She could feel the oceans fall and rise. She say it's raging glory. But, he had always told the truth, Lord, he was an honest man. And Brandy does her best, to understand." 

"Okay, I'm done now.." You sit back down scratching your nose unncomfortably. 

"Oh come on!" James gets up and walks over to the record player. 

"And loves a man, whose not around!" He almost screeches, earning an argrovated yell from students in there dorms just up the stairs. 

"She can still hear him say!" Sirius drmatically resumes his 'opera' pose. 

"She hears him say 'Brandy, you're a fine girl." Peter chimes in, a surprisingly good singer. 

"What a good wife you would be." Remus mumbles tiredly. 

"But my life, my lover, my lady, is the sea!" They all sing in unison. 

"That's it. It's karaoke time!" James continues to sing the remaining lyrics of the song, and the next, and the one after that, until he has the entire crew yelling for the rooftops. That is until We get shut up by our Gryfindor Prefect. 

[Author's Notes: I couldn't get this idea out of my head for so long and I love this song so they went together well. I hope you enjoyed this little one-shot, please leave requests and enjoy the rest!] 

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