Peter Pettigrew

875 11 3

Peter x Reader - Later Hogwarts Years - ! No Trigger Warnings ! - Word Count: 295


Y/N leaned on her chin on her palm, fingers curled to the edge of her lips. She stared toward the front of the classroom, pretending she wasn't spaced out. Even though, she didn't really have to pretend, looking focused as she was. Her finger flicked the edge of her parchment, filling the boredom. 

A hand from her left pulled her hand away from her face, "You shouldn't bite your nails, really," Peter laid her hand on the table, hand lingering around hers for a moment. 

"I wasn't," She responded, speaking quietly.

"And, you'll get paper cuts." 

Y/N finger pulled away from the edge of the page, resting near the other, "Thanks." 

Peter smiled subtly, jotting down some notes. Y/N resumed her staring ahead, this time with more attention, trying to catch up with the lesson. She as well scribbled down notes she'd never review willingly. Peter stifled laughs from beside her. 

"What's so funny?" Y/N mumbled, turning the page in her notebook. 

"Evans' shirt has a big ol' 'JP' written on the collar," He smiled to himself, dipping his quill in the ink. Y/N's eye widened slightly, searching the back of the girl sitting in front of her. She leaned and reached forward, correcting the collar. 

The professor caught eye of her, "L/N? What did you pass to Ms. Evans?" 

Y/N rested their hand back on their palm, not looking at the teacher, "Nothing, sir. I didn't pass anything," The professor nodded and moved on. 

Peter face was turning red as he held his breath, restricting a laugh. Which, in fact, came out quietly moments later. Y/N shushed him, the sound morphing into a 'shut up' though she was smiling. 

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