Sirius Black

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Sirius x Reader - Early Hogwarts Years - No Trigger Warnings - I won't add a word count because these are going to be short.

Troupe: You are unable to see colours until you lock eyes with your soulmate.


Dull grey swirled the room as per ordinary. No colour until you fall in love. No color. Love. 

"Y/N!" Her name was called from across the room. She turned her head towards the sound. 

"Hm?" She looked up from the cover of a book she had grazed her vision over. 

"No color?" Remus, her bestfriend, had caught up to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

Y/N felt like shouting. Of course, there was no colour. "No." She looked away from her friend and back at the shelf of books. 

"Come on, I'll walk you to lunch. My as well sit with me today." He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and veered her away from the shelves. 

The halls past quickly, outside the Hall was a boy. A friend of Remus', black hair. He ran up to the two of them and began talking about a nitwit named James. 

"Oh, Potter. Heard of him. Who are you?" Y/N leaned over the see the boy's face. 

He outstretched a hand without meeting her gaze, looking up with brown eyes. 


"You.." Y/N whispered silently. 

"You." The boys smiled, "Sirius Black." 

"Y/N L/N." Y/N smiled in return, following Remus and Sirius inside. 

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