Peter Pettigrew

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Peter x Reader - Later Hogwarts Years - No Trigger Warnings - Word Count: 240


Y/N went into Gryffindor common room with Lily, they had been dismissed from class and supper. They sat on the couch and studied eventually succumbing to off-task chat. They talked and talked. Until a small chime came from the clock. 

"Merlin, it's already midnight." She sighed tiredly. 

"You can head up to bed." Y/N put a hand on her shoulder and smiled, "I'm going to stay out a little while longer." 

"If you're sure. Goodnight." Lily went up into the girls dormitory. 

Y/N, true to her word, stayed out a while longer. The common room became dark, eerie. It made her shift in her seat coldly. She lit a candle on the coffee table with a match. Y/N looked around the room for a blanket or a sweatshirt. 

She came across a dark red knitted sweatshirt. Mentally promising to return it in the morning, Y/N slipped it over her head. Curling into the blanket, she fell asleep on the sofa. 


"Psst, Y/N." 

Y/N blinked, light flooded her eyes, "Hm?" 

"We have to get to class." Peter was kneeling beside Y/N, rubbing her arm. 

"Right." She sat up, stretching. 

"Oh." He looked at her shirt, fiddling with the hem and smiling. 

"What is it?" Y/N asked, looking down at the shirt. 

"It's mine." He grinned sweetly, standing up and kissing her forehead. "You look better in it." 

[A/N] Sorry it short- Part 3 in the 'Wearing their clothes/shirts' series thing- 

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